Chapter 4

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I sat in the attorney's office waiting to be called in. The echo of phones ringing down the hallway, the clomp of high heels, and the whir of the copier and fax machines made it all too real.

Nona talked on the phone with the lawyer. Her lawyer, the one she knew for some time now. He owed her a favor and she swore he would make a miracle happen for me.

I wondered how much that miracle cost. Tucker and his father entered the room. And I wondered if any lawyer could go up against the mayor.

Before we all were forced in the same room the door to the lawyer's office came open and their lawyer came forward.

"Mayor, you can come right in. We are almost ready," he said, the door shut again leaving me to my thoughts and all the sounds swirling around me.

Nona turned on her heel making another descent across the marble floor.

The doors opened again.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I wanted to scream with joy at the sight of Slade. But I stayed where I was.

The officer with Slade instructed him to sit. Slade did, dropping his hands on his lap, his expression somber, unchanging and downright unreadable.

"We are waiting for her lawyer," Nona told the secretary.

Slade's gaze moved across the room to Nona. He raised an eyebrow.

I wondered what he thought.

I concentrated on the words. Are you okay?

Just fine.

I'm sorry we are in this mess, Slade.

Why would you apologize? It's not your fault.

I gave him a small smile. It feels that way. I've been so worried about you. I'm glad I know you're okay.

Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself, Hope. Do whatever your lawyer wants you to do.

What about you? What are you going to do?

Our wordless exchange agitated me. He was being selfless, only concerned with helping me, when he needed to help himself. I wanted to scream out loud. Tell him to put up a fight because he deserved so much more than what he put up with.

Nona tapped me on the shoulder breaking our connection before I got the answer I wanted to hear from him. We followed behind Slade into the lawyer's office. When the last person entered the door shut and we all took a seat around the table.

The lawyer's discussed all the technical parts with each other, as the rest of us sat staring in different directions. Tucker out the window, Slade at the table and at me, I never took my eyes off of him. I didn't want it to be the last time I saw him.

Tucker's dad cleared his throat. "Now that we have the gory details out of the way, I have an offer to throw out on the table."

Tucker's lawyer grew uncomfortable. But he kept his mouth shut.

"Here we go again," Slade said, shaking his head.

Nona pursed her lips, agitated with Slade's outburst.

"There's always an offer. Don't buy into their bullshit," Slade said looking straight at me when he said so.

I opened my mouth ready to say something. Nona dropped a hand down on the table ending my attempts.

"Let us hear the offer," she said, giving Slade an evil glare. If he spoke again I was sure she might jump up and slap the smug look off his face.

But he did. "Why do you think I've never went to jail?" Slade dropped his cuffed hands down on the table.

His words fell on deaf ears.

"My client is willing to drop all charges if Hope signs a statement that says Slade attacked Audrey and Tucker," Tucker's lawyer said.

I couldn't believe what they wanted me to do. "No," I said right away.

Nona clamped her hand down on my arm stopping me from going any further.

"All charges will be dropped?" She asked. "Simple as that?"

"Simple as that," Tucker's dad repeated. He fixed his tie, shooting Slade a glance. "We know all too well what Slade is capable of and how easy it is for these young girls to fall into this lifestyle. We want the right person punished. Not the victims."

I gritted my teeth. "I am not a victim. Your son is the victim. He should be thanking Slade for saving him. If Slade hadn't stopped her, Tucker would be dead right now."

Slade dropped back in his seat. "Go ahead, Hope. Take the offer. It's the best thing for everybody."

I couldn't believe him. "Why would I do that?"

Tucker sat up. "Because you'd be an idiot not to, suck it up and do what they want or sit in jail and rot for all I care."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Why are they allowed to get away with this?"

"It's all about who you know, Hope." Tucker smirked.

"Just sign the paper," Slade said again his jaw going tense.

"But what happens to Slade?" I asked. Nona slid a paper and pen down the table to me.

"Slade returns to his cell until his court date. And Cherry can say they've rid the town of its trash," Mayor Sinclair spoke up.

I choked down the rage and started writing. I pushed the paper away, tears sliding down my cheeks. I stood up, ready to leave.

"Good girl," Mayor Sinclair said passing me. Slade passed by next. We followed behind out of the office.

The officer told Slade to sit. Nona collected her purse and as we prepared to leave I stopped in front of Slade.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

He shook his head, refusing to see any of it as my fault. Nona put her arm around me as we headed for the door. I turned, a smile erupting on my lips at the sight of the cuffs gone from Slade wrist. Magic worked again for me. Slade forced his arms behind his back standing.

As we walked through the parking lot I focused on the cop car, disabling the engine with more magic as we climbed into Nona's. I didn't have to hope it worked. I knew it worked. I knew I gave Slade enough time to make a break for it. He deserved it.

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now