Chapter 12

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"What is this place?" Karsen said as she climbed out of my car.

We were on the edge of town, the farthest away from Cherry either of us ever traveled. I stared up at the massive warehouse.

"This is the address," I said checking the text Hutch sent.

Karsen applied a fresh coat of red lipstick. "Well, it's better than sitting around waiting for something to happen."

She was referring to Kidd.

"I'm sure as soon as he is able to he will talk to you," I assured her. "He's not like Slade. He has a conscience."

Karsen shut the car door. "Since when do you talk about him like that?"

I shrugged. "Since he left and told me to forget about him." I stared at her stark white expression I knew what she thought.

"Stop it. Just because Slade isn't coming back doesn't mean Kidd isn't either." I sighed; I wished she would get a grip on it. I didn't have the patience to deal with both of us losing it all in one night.

I shrugged my black jacket off tossing it in the backseat and slammed my car door shut.

Karsen rounded my car staring at me in disbelief. "Since when do you dress like that?" She pointed at my red tank top and shorts. "Somebody is close to exposing some toe."

I looked down at my closed toed heels.

"Of the camel variety," Karsen explained pointing at my girl parts. I tried to slap her but she took off. And I wasn't in the mood for running. I knew I'd break an ankle in the heels I wore.

Karsen was a professional sprinter in heels. I laughed hurrying to catch up.

At the doors of the warehouse, or whatever the strange brick building was stood a young guy. He crossed his arms just as Karsen stood in front of him. His expression went from relaxed to frigid in mere seconds as he laid eyes on us.

"Password," he demanded.

Karsen shot me a baffled look. "I thought you said he told you to come here?"

"He did." But not about any passcodes though that was for sure. I was beginning to feel stupid standing there dressed like a hooker. What was Hutch thinking?

"Look tinkerbell, this isn't the place for you." The guy said. "So why don't you and gidget get the hell out of here."

Karsen stepped back appalled. "Tinkerbell?" She balled her fist as if she was thinking about hitting him.

I grabbed her by the shoulder pulling her back. "Calm down for a second." I struggled to get my phone from my pocket again.

He nodded, a smirk crawling up the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, calm down before you get pixie dust all over the place."

This time I grabbed a hold of her shirt to keep her from tearing his eyes out.

"Do you want her to punch you in the face?" I asked him. Hutch's phone went to voicemail irritating me more.

"Is that a trick question?" He shot back.

"Are you nuts?" Karsen snapped. "Who the hell do you think you are talking to us like that? We were invited here."

"Yeah, right, and let me guess that's your real hair color too." He rolled his eyes and let another group by us without a second thought.

Before Karsen could choke slam him Hutch appeared. I was glad to see him.

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now