Chapter 25

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There I was again venturing to a place I should stay away from. Alone, like the first time when I met Slade. Only this time it wasn't Slade at all. It was the Greenhouse. And the person I was meeting was nothing like Slade at all. If anything, Hutch made me feel needed. It was hard to stay unhappy for long with him around.

And as he walked toward me coming outside of the greenhouse I was glad for once to see him. He was my safe place when I was lost and out of control.

"Good to see you," he said slipping an arm around me and we went inside.

The crowd was as thick as the first time.

"They're all watching us," I told Hutch noticing all eyes on the two of us.

"How does that make you feel?" he said against my ear.

I wasn't sure, maybe a little paranoid yet a bit special. "Strange."

Hutch turned me toward the bar. "What do you want to drink?"

I shook my head. "No way, we know what happened the last time."

He twirled my hair around his finger and pulled me to him. "But this time you can come home with me." He kissed me, backing me into the bar.

I pulled away, wiping at my lip gloss. "I don't know." The music picked up beats thundering the greenhouse. I watched all the different types of people dancing.

"What happened to having fun?" Hutch said. He slid a shot over to me. "I like the fun, Hope. I hope you're over staying upset about that idiot."

I threw back the shot ignoring Hutch's insult about Slade. I tried not to hear it, trying to force myself to have a good time.

"What makes you think he's an idiot?" I said to Hutch as he downed a second shot and handed me back mine filled again.

"Such a powerful guy making such stupid mistakes," he shrugged. "When you have power you need to know what to do with it."

I picked up my shot, downed it and dropped the glass with a bang on the table. "Like you?"

"Maybe." He touched my arm. "I'm not trying to come off like an ass."

K cut in between us. "Yes he is. He's an ass all the time."

I frowned. I didn't want to hear this. He was always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hutch leaned forward. "He thinks he knows me, he doesn't. Don't take what he says personally."

I nodded uncomfortable anymore with being there. I watched K order a round of shots and wished I was anywhere but there. Hutch tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around. "What?"

"Cheer up." He took my hand. "Or I'll make you."

I pulled my hand back but he wouldn't let go. The music was loud and I wasn't sure I heard him right. His hand was on the back of my head, he pulled me closer.

My head pounded, music and chaos plagued my mind as if everything was coming to a head internally as well as in the room at the same time. I didn't know what was the matter with me. I touched my forehead confused.

"What's the matter, doll?" Hutch whispered into my ear. "Not feeling good?"

I pressed my head into his chest letting him swirl me around the dance floor. "I'm fine."

"They look at you because you're with me," he said. "They know what I'm capable of and the smart ones wish they could be as lucky as you."

We swirled around the crowd. I gripped his t-shirt, trying to hold it together.

"You're drunk," I told him. "You never act like this."

Hutch's lips grazed my ear. "That may be, I get the feeling you're not happy to be here. Where would you rather be, Doll?"

I hated the nickname anymore. "It's a bit hot in here."

"Do you want to leave?" he asked.

I nodded. "Maybe off the dance floor for a little while."

I was happy to see he was relaxing. He led me back to the bar. Hutch put a hand on K's back. "Hope's a bit tired, take her upstairs for a little bit."

"I know where it is," I said.

Hutch ran a hand through my hair. "I'd hate to see something bad happen to you in here. Supernaturals can be brutal."

I nodded, following K up the stairs. I held onto the railing scared to death. The vibe was all wrong. Hutch wasn't acting like himself; he was daring me to make the wrong move.

"Do you think he is okay?" I asked once we were upstairs and alone. K took a seat on the sofa.

"Is he scaring you?" K asked. It wasn't concern; it was more amusement that kept him talking to me. "He can be scary so I heard."

I sat down close to the door. "It's just a little different than what he usually acts like."

K sat up. "Charming you mean."

I nodded.

"Of course he was charming, that's what we all do to get what we want." K smirked. "But I think he's getting impatient."

I stared at K confused. He nodded his head understanding my confusion. "Can you keep a secret?"

I didn't answer. K shrugged. "I'll tell you anyways."

My heart raced.

"Hutch pulls a lot of strings around here in Cherry. I don't think there's a person not under his thumb. Like the mayor's wife. I wish I was capable of that kind of thing." K rested his arms against his thighs. "Don't get me wrong I am capable of my own kind of chaos. But Hutch is the fucking mastermind."

I heard wrong. "I think you're confused."

"Never confused, Hutch knows what he's doing." K nodded.

"You said the mayor's wife." I held back saying anything more. It wasn't possible.

"Yep, the mayor's wife," he said. "He was the mastermind behind the entire thing."

I jumped out of my seat. "My dad—"

K jumped up to. "Your dad is an idiot. It was almost too easy for Hutch to pull off."

I shook my head confused and disgusted. "That doesn't even make any sense."

"What's done is done right?" K said. "I hope you don't think you're going to take off. Hutch might not like that."

Hutch appeared in the doorway. K stopped talking and took a seat. Everything was quiet. "Feeling alright?"

I slowly shook my head. "Everything is fine," I said.

K winked at me.

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now