Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes.

"Good morning," Hutch said.

"What time is it?" I searched for a clock.


I rolled over. "I can't believe I slept here. I bet they are scouring the town trying to find me." I laughed.

Hutch seemed to think it was weird. I guess it was a little strange, the night before I was close to a nervous breakdown. I was erratic, nothing like myself.

"I'm never disappointed having to lay eyes on you in the morning," Hutch said.

I rolled over the smile still on my face as I took him in. He wasn't so bad himself. I touched his messy hair.

"This is our second slumber party," I reminded him.

"I enjoyed this one way more," he laid a kiss against my collarbone reminding me I was naked.

"Oh so you're that kind of guy huh?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What kind is that, doll?"

I searched for the rights words. I didn't want to offend him. "The kind of guy who enjoys getting into girl's pants."

No matter how I put it I was being offensive, but I was sure he could handle it.

"I don't like to live in a dream world." He pushed my hair off my cheek. "We're both adults. Why fight it?"

This was true. He leaned over and kissed me. I dropped down onto the pillow and enjoyed it. It was better than waking up at Nona's and dealing with her nagging or Dad's over protective behavior anymore.

"I think your right." I poked at his lips. He kissed my fingertips bringing up images of Slade. He used to do the same thing. I pushed the memory away.

"What's the matter, Doll?" Hutch asked. He guided me by the chin making me look at him.

"Have you ever felt happy and miserable at the same time?" I sighed.

"Yes." Hutch sat up. He threw the covers back and got out of bed. He opened up the blinds sending rays of bright sunlight into his room. "But I got over it. I figured out no matter how much I worried about it nothing ever changed."

"What do you mean?" I admired his physique as he worked a t-shirt over his head.

"Like I said, I made a lot of poor choices in my life. I learned to live with them. And I am going to show you how to do the same thing." He smirked, tossing me my clothes.

"I don't know how you could do that." I wasn't going to argue. He seemed to know a thing or two about life. More than I did at the moment.

"Do you trust me?" Hutch asked.

"I have no reason not to," I said.

"Then meet me tonight," he said. "I promise you won't be miserable anymore."

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now