Chapter 16

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Nona and Claude were gone.

I paced the wooden floors of her elegant dining room, waiting for Dad to come home. I didn't care how long it took, I would wait.

I needed to know what Tucker was doing with him. After everything going on I could paint a dozen scenarios and I didn't like a single one of them.

I thought I heard something outside and ran to the window. He still wasn't home.

I sighed; taking off up to my bedroom, I grabbed clean clothes out of the dresser. If I was waiting I would at least shower. I needed to rinse the filth off of me after my night of partying.

A night I hardly remembered. I wasn't proud of myself for getting wasted. I woke up feeling terrible. I was sure I caused a lot of problems. I undressed and opened the glass door of the shower. The water hit the marble tiles and steam filled the room. I closed my eyes enjoying the hot water as it rained down on my head. All my worries swirled down the drain. I knew they would be back as soon as my shower ended.

I started lathering my hair, thinking about parts of my life I hated to think about. I thought about Georgia. I changed so much, Karsen was right. This girl was not me.

The fact that it happened so fast was ridiculous. I couldn't believe someone could lose their way so fast. I didn't even like the new me.

I rinsed my hair and cut the water off. I feared I didn't know who I was anymore. Back home I did, I was part of a family, with two parents that pretended they loved each other, and music, dancing and friends. I laughed a lot. And I smiled at the little things. I didn't smile anymore.

Dad used to be someone I relied on. I used to know he was there for all of us and I was free to just be a young kid without a care in the world.

I wiped at the mirror.

"Look at you," I said. "You're pathetic."

I combed my wet hair and hurried to get dressed.

I headed down the stairs, scouring the first floor for any sign of Dad. I reminded myself no matter what happened I needed to stay in control and not lose it.

The screen door opened.

"There's more out in the car," Elliot told me. He carried the groceries into Nona's kitchen without even a hello.

"Is dad with you?" I asked, looking at the door.

Elliot came back through. "We took Nona's Mercedes for groceries." He said, short and to the point.

"I wanted to talk to him." I noticed Elliot's expression; he wasn't thrilled.

Dad came in the door. "Elliot, I can't carry all the groceries myself." His eyes settled on me.

I put my hands behind my back trying to keep calm and hold it together. It was bad enough my family treated me like a freak of nature.

"Hope says she wants to talk to you," Elliot told him. "Can I take off so you two can get the drama done and over with?"

"I can help carry the rest of the groceries in with you," I said.

Dad sighed. "Tell your brother if you see him to be home before dark." Elliot nodded taking off out the door before Dad could change his mind.

I followed after him down the stairs. "Where are Nona and Claude?"

Dad grabbed bags from the trunk. "They took the car into the body shop to get repaired. She is still upset with what you did."

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now