Chapter 9

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She was a breath of fresh air, so happy to be there. And as I moved closer I knew I wouldn't go through with what I was about to do if I thought about her happiness.

I needed to get it over with. The sooner the mayor got what he wanted the sooner I could move on to the next problem in my life.

I waited for the volleyball to hit the sands. That didn't take long to happen. I guided it to me.

She jogged away from her friends. It was so simple I thought as I picked the ball up from the sand.

"Sorry about that," she said, she gave me a sweet smile.

"No problem," I said back. I gripped the volleyball knowing if I tossed it back that would be the end of our encounter. "It's Sara right?"

She nodded, it was apparent she was confused on why I knew her name.

"I'm not sure if I know who you are," she stared at the ground no longer making eye contact with me.

I brushed some sand from the volleyball. "It's alright. I know how awkward it can be to talk to someone like me." I squeezed the volleyball.

"I didn't mean anything by it." She forced herself to look at me, like it pained her.

I tossed the ball to her. "Of course not, it doesn't matter I'm used to it."

I wanted to tell her I was like her once. Sweet and innocent. Instead I watched her body stiffen. Her fingernails sunk into the flesh of the volleyball.

"Do you know who Tucker Sinclair is?"

She nodded her head rhythmically.

"After today Tucker will be your main focus. You're going to want to be near him, you're going to be drawn to him. Don't worry about why, just do it. Now go back to your friends and forget we ever met." Her friends laughed and played in the sand not a care in the world.

"Okay," Sarah said, she shook the fog away and started running back to her friends.

I hurried to the boardwalk. I didn't want to think about what I did. I started running, past Nona's, past my old beach house. I wanted to be far away from the nightmare I created.

And when I stopped running only because my lungs were ready to explode I found myself standing outside of Hutch's house.

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