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Things didn't get much better over the next few days. Mark doesn't get morning sickness, but he still feels like he could throw up any second. The headaches haven't gone away yet either.

Mark has finally made an appointment to go to the doctors, to get everything checked and confirmed.

"I'm going out," Mark says when he gets to the living room, where Mason is. "Do you need anything?"

Mason blinks a few times as he looks up at Mark. "Where are you going?"

"Just going to the store to get a few things," Mark lies quickly. "I won't be gone that long."

"Um, no. I don't need anything. Do you want me to come with you?" Mason asks, setting his laptop down.

"No, it's fine," Mark shakes his head. "I'll text you when I'm on my way home."

"Be careful!" Mason shouts as Mark walks out of the house. He frowns, and then he pulls out his phone and he quickly calls Scott once Mark is completely gone. He and Scott have been making sure to tell each other when they notice Mark acting weird.

"Hey," Scott says when he finally answers the phone. "What's up?"

"Mark just left," Mason tells him. "He says he's going to the store but he's obviously lying. I asked him if he wanted me to go with him and he turned me down. He never turns me down." He pouts.

"When do you think we should talk to him about this?" Scott asks.

"Sooner rather than later, before things get much worse," Mason says. "Let's wait a few more days and see if things don't get better. I'm really worried about him. He's never acted like this before."

"I know," Scott sighs. "I'm worried too. I just don't want to push him, y'know?"

"Yeah," Mason mumbles. "Let's see how things go tonight. Then, we'll talk about the next move."

"Alright. Keep me updated, okay?" Scott says. "I love you."

"I love you too. Tell Mitch I say hi," Mason says, before hanging up on Scott.

Mason sighs and leans back against the couch, unable to stop thinking about Mark. He knows that they're probably overreacting about this whole situation, but it never hurts to worry or care.

Mark finally gets to the doctors. He checks in and then sits in the waiting room. He has to wait about fifteen minutes before he's finally called out. The doctor takes him back to a room.

"Would you like to explain what's been going on?" The doctor asks once Mark is sitting on the bed.

"I just," Mark sighs. "I need to know if I'm pregnant or not."

"Pregnant?" The doctor asks, raising his eyebrows. "Oh, you must be one of the rare males that has the male pregnancy gene. This is very new, but we've been doing our research on this."

"Rare?" Mark mumbles before shaking his head. "Will you be able to confirm this?"

"Yes," the doctor says. "Can you tell me any of the symptoms you've been having?"

Mark sighs. "It starts with just simple headaches, and then the morning sickness started happening, and I've never had morning sickness before in my life. I looked online about all this stuff. It matches with the pregnancy symptoms. I took a pregnancy test a couple days ago. It was positive."

Mark sits there silently and watches as the doctor continues to write things down on his clipboard.

In the end, Mark finds out that he is definitely pregnant. He's only a month pregnant into the pregnancy and has about a month left to decide if he wants to get an abortion or not.

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