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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update :(
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"I'll miss you so much," Mark mumbles as he buries his face in Mason's neck, squeezing him tightly.

Mason chuckles, though he feels guilty about leaving Mark while pregnant. "I'll miss you too sweetheart," he gently rubs Mark's back. "I'll only be gone for a few days. Mom requested to see me at least once before the baby comes, and this is the only time I can travel before Scott's on tour. But, don't worry, babe. Scotty will be here with you, and I know he'll take care of you."

Mark sniffs as he pulls away. "I know he will. I just hate being away from you," he says.

"We'll call Masey everyday," Scott says as he wraps an arm around Mark's shoulder.

"Yes," Mason smiles, and then he reaches over and kisses Scott. "Text me if anything happens to him."

"I will," Scott hugs him. "Don't worry. Just go and have fun with your family. I'll take care of Mark."

"Thank you," Mason says. He looks over at Mark and smiles, before kissing him. "I need to get going, okay? Text you when I'm at the airport." He walks over to the door and opens it.

"Be careful," Scott says softly. "We'll miss you."

Mason smiles as he looks up at his two boys. "I'll miss you too. And, I promise I'll be careful," he says, before grabbing his suitcase and walking out of the house.

"I love you!" Mark calls as he walks over to the door.

Mason looks back at Mark and chuckles. "I love you too, and you too Scotty," he replies.

Mark sighs as he watches Mason walk away, before shutting the door. He turns and then looks at Scott. "Looks like it's just you and me now," he says.

Scott chuckles. "You don't seem very excited about that,"

"No! No, I am. I'm excited to spend time with you. I just... I'll miss Masey so much," Mark pouts.

"I know," Scott wraps his arms around Mark. "But, Mason is going to have fun in Colorado with his family, and I'm excited about having some alone time with you." He leans down and kisses Mark.

"You're acting like we don't spend enough alone time together," Mark chuckles.

"Not nearly as much as I'd like," Scott grins and kisses Mark again.

Mark looks up at Scott. "Better go sit down. You and Mase have a cow when I stand too long," he sighs, before heading towards the living room.

"Hey, you're pregnant! And you need to rest as much as possible," Scott says as he follows Mark.

"I'm not even five months pregnant," Mark replies as he sits down on the couch.

"Doesn't matter. You still need to rest and take it easy," Scott says. He sits next to Mark, and then pulls Mark closer to him and wraps his arms around him. "We're just looking out for you."

"I know, and even though I complain about it, I do appreciate it," Mark smiles. He takes out his phone and pulls up the video Scott made for their announcement video. He hasn't been able to stop watching it, and it makes him cry every time. The video is so special, and he can't believe Scott made it and posted it. Mark also can't believe how supportive the fans were being. Of course, they did get the usual hate, but the support was all Mark really cared about. He had been so worried about announcing the babies and his relationship with Mason and Scott. Now, he doesn't have to worry.

"Again?" Scott asks, chuckling when he sees the video.

"Shut up," Mark mumbles. "It's just... so touching, and beautiful. I can't wait to show the twins."

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