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A/N: is there anything y'all want to see before the baby arrives?


As soon as Mark has some time off, he decides to go shopping, Mason coming along just in case. He's decided that he's probably going to do most of the baby shopping online for obvious reasons, but he wants to experience baby shopping by going out as well. He's hardly showing yet so now is the perfect opportunity to go shopping without people suspecting that he's pregnant.

"Mase, I'm so excited. I wish Scotty was here though," Mark says as he grabs onto Mason's arm as they walk into a baby store. Mark has been texting Scott all day about going shopping, he's so excited.

"I know, Marky. I wish he was here too," Mason kisses Mark's cheek. "But, he wants as to have fun."

"I'm gonna spoil this baby so much," Mark says as he looks around in amazement at everything.

Mason laughs. "We don't even know the gender of the baby yet. Keep that in mind," he reminds Mark.

"Pfft. So, what? Color isn't gonna define our child. I don't want to be one of those parents," Mark says. "But, I do want to find something gender neutral for the nursery."

"We could do a rainbow theme room. For Pride as well?" Mason suggests.

"That's a cute idea," Mark looks over at Mason and smiles.

"Hello. Is there anything I can help you with?" A worker asks as she walks over to the couple.

"Oh, we're just looking-" Mark begins.

"It's our first time shopping for a baby," Mason adds. "We're not looking for anything in particular."

"Okay, well... if you have any questions, come find me," she says, smiling, before walking away.

"Where do we even start?" Mark asks, looking over at Mason. "This place is huge."

Mason chuckles. "Let's look at the clothes first. Start small, then make our way up," he says.

"Okay, sounds good to me," Mark nods in agreement, and follows Mason over to the clothes section. Mark isn't sure if he's going to buy any outfits today as it will be difficult without knowing the gender of their baby. They still have a few weeks to go before they can officially find out what they're having.

But, of course, Mark can't contain himself, and he picks out a few boy outfits and a few girl outfits.

"Look at how cute these are!" Mark exclaims as he walks up to Mason, showing the outfits he picked out.

"Oh, babe," Mason laughs. "What are we going to do with the other clothes when we find out the gender?"

"I don't know. Give them to someone who needs them?" Mark shrugs. "I couldn't help myself."

"You're going to be the death of me," Mason shakes his head.

Mark ends up spending over a thousand dollars at the baby store, which Mason isn't too pleased about, but he can't be angry with how excited Mark is about shopping for the baby. He knows Mark wasn't able to do much the first two months of his pregnancy so it's good that Mark is finally excited.

"Holy shit," Scott says when he gets home later that night, and sees all the boxes in the living room, and Mark sitting in the middle of all the boxes, going through everything they bought.

Mark looks up at and smiles when he sees Scott. "You're back!"

"What did you do while I was gone?" Scott asks, making his way through the boxes.

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