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The days for the birth is finally winding down and getting closer. There was probably about a week left before Mark is due to give birth to the twins. Everybody is on edge, waiting for the day to come. They've waited so long. The nine months went by so slow for Mark, Mason and Scott.

Mark is feeling anxious as the day gets closer. He's been reading up on some recent male pregnancy articles and about how some of the male births have been complicated. It's still a pretty recent discovery, and so doctors are still figuring out ways to make this work.

"Mason?" Mark asks as he looks over at Mason, who's sitting next to him on the bed.

"Yes, sweetheart? Is everything okay?" Mason asks, instantly looking up at Mark.

Mark chuckles at Mason's instant worry. "Yes, everything's fine. Well, I've been thinking. What if something goes wrong during the birth?" He asks nervously.

"Mark, you can't think like that," Mason frowns, scooting closer to him.

"But, it's all I can think about. I keep reading these articles about how things go wrong during male births. The doctors hardly know what they're doing when it comes to this stuff. I-I need you to promise me something,"

"Of course," Mason says, nodding. "Anything. What is it?"

"I need you to promise that if something does go wrong during the birth, a-and you have to choose... then, I want you to choose to save the twins, and not me. You have to save the twins," Mark says as his eyes begin to water up.

Mason's eyes widen. "Mark, y-you can't ask me to do that," he whispers.

"But there's a chance that it could happen," Mark says. "I want these babies to live more than anything."

"You're my best friend, Mark. You're my soulmate," Mason wraps his arms around Mark protectively. "Look, I can't live without you. I need you here with me. Always."

Mark whimpers and buries his face in Mason's chest, holding onto him tightly.

The next morning, Mason is in the kitchen with Scott. He's so glad that Scott's home from tour now, because things have been more stressful the closer they get to the birth.

"I'm so glad you're home," Mason mumbles, walking up to Scott and wrapping his arms around him.

Scott chuckles as he looks down at Mason. "Aw. Are you stressed, baby?" He asks, rubbing Mason's back.

Mason whines and slowly nods. "I'm so fucking stressed, Scott! And Mark is even more stressed, and there's nothing I can do to help him, and I hate seeing him so upset!" he rants.

"Whoa," Scott gently pushes Mason off of him so he can look at him. "Calm down, Masey."

"How can I calm down at a time like this? How are you so calm?" Mason asks.

Scott chuckles. "One of us has to be," he says. "Everything's going to be fine, Mason."

"No, it's not!" Mason exclaims, throwing his arms up. "Mark asked me to choose the babies over him if something goes wrong during birth, and now it's all that I can think about!"

"Wait- he actually said that?" Scott asks, his eyes widening with shock. "Does he really think-?"

"Yes! That's exactly what he thinks. He's been reading all about male pregnancies, and he said that the doctors are still figuring everything out and there's a chance he might not make it during birth. I can't lose him, Scott! I can't lose my best friend!"

"Hey. Hey, Mase. Take a deep breath-" Scott wraps his arms around Mason and then he hugs him tightly. "I know it's scary, but we have to be strong for Mark. He needs us both right now."

Mason takes a deep breath and buries his face in Scott's chest.

"It's going to be okay," Scott whispers, closing his eyes, as he continues to hold Mason.

After finally managing to calm Mason down after his little breakdown, Scott makes Mark some lunch. With the birth getting closer, Scott and Mason both have been doing absolutely everything they can do now to make sure that Mark is comfortable and getting everything he needs.

"For you, my love," Scott smiles as he hands Mark the plate. "Here's your drink." He sets the glass down on the bedside table. He looks over at Mark. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Mark chuckles. "I'm fine," he tells Scott. "Is the hospital bag packed?"

"Yeah, we just finished packing it today-" Scott walks over to the closet and pulls out the hospital bag, and takes it over to show Mark everything he and mason put into the bag. "I watched so many videos on youtube to make sure we had absolutely everything we needed so we wouldn't have to make trips."

"That's so something you would do," Mark says before taking a bite of the sandwich.

Scott goes through everything in the bag as Mark eats his lunch, and Scott's happy that Mark is pleased with the results of the hospital bag. He and Mason want to make sure they're prepared for the babies.

"Scotty, can you help me up?" Mark asks as he sets his plate on the bedside table.

Scott instantly looks over at him. "Why?" He asks nervously.

Mark rolls his eyes as he looks up at Scott. "I do still have to pee," he says.

"Oh, right-" Scott rushes over to him and grabs a hold of his arm, slowly and carefully helping Mark up on his feet. "Got it?" He bites his lip as he notices Mark wobbling a little bit. "Take your time."

"I'm fine," Mark tells him. "I just haven't been walking as much so I'm a little rusty, and the bump isn't help. God, I'm so fucking fat. I can't wait to get to the gym as soon as these babies get out."

"You're not fat. Don't you dare ever say that again," Scott warns.

"Whatever. I just need to get to the bathroom-" Mark mumbles.

Scott helps Mark over to the bathroom, taking their time. Mark freezes the second they reach the door, and gasps. He quickly grabs a hold of the doorway to keep his balance.

"Mark?" Scott asks worriedly, grabbing a hold of him. "Baby, what's wrong? Mason!"

"Fuck," Mark takes a deep breath. "My stomach. I-I think the babies are coming!" He looks up at Scott with fear in his eyes. While he is excited for the babies to arrive, he's also terrified about giving birth. He already knows that it's not going to be easy, and the outcome might not be what they expect.

"What's going on?" Mason asks as he runs into the bedroom, panicked.

"Mark says they're coming. Get the hospital bag and Mark's shoes. We have to get him to the hospital! Fuck. Call his parents! Oh my God. This is happening. Mark, can you walk down the stairs?"

"Do I have a fucking choice? It's not like you can carry me," Mark takes a deep breath.

"I know we're in a hurry, but we'll take this slow- come on. Mase, I'll meet you downstairs,"

Mason rushes out of the room with the hospital bag and Mark's shoes, wanting to have the car ready.

"Scott," Mark grabs a hold of him as they start walking out of the room. He's shaking visibly, and all Scott wants to do is pull him into a hug and tell him that everything's going to be okay, but he can't.

"I know, baby. We're going to get you to the hospital," Scott whispers. He holds onto Mark as he leads him out of the bedroom. They take their time going down the steps, and make their way to the car.

Mason gets out of the car to help Scott get Mark into the car. "Deep breaths, Marky,"

"Fuck. I want these babies out of me already!' Mark cries, feeling frustrated, stressed and overwhelmed all at the same time. His nerves aren't helping either. He just wants this part to be over with.

Scott climbs into the car next to Mark to comfort him. "I know there is a lot going on now, but just think... in a matter of hours, we're going to be able to hold those beautiful babies, and all the pain will be worth it."

"It better fucking be worth it," Mark grumbles as he holds onto his bump, earning a chuckle from Scott.

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