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A/N: sorry this one is a little short, hope you still enjoy it though :)


"I just... I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle being away from you for so long," Scott mumbles, looking up at his two boyfriends. "I know Mase will be with you but I won't to be there for you too."

Mark reaches over and he gently places his hand on Scott's knee. "Scott, I'm still early into the pregnancy. You'll only be away for a couple of months. You'll come home and then it'll be nearly time for the baby to get here. I understand you want to help but I don't want this to get in the way of your work,"

"Mark's right. Besides, we still have seven months to go. The wait will be so long, and touring will help time pass by. You should go on tour. We're gonna go to as many shows as we can," Mason adds.

"Okay, but you have to promise to take it easy when you travel," Scott looks over at Mark. "I know you can still travel for a little bit but don't do it if it makes you stressed or anxious."

"I will. I promise," Mark says, leaning over to kiss Scott. "We'll keep you updated daily."

"You better. I want pictures and videos," Scott smiles. "I can't wait to see your little bump grow."

Mark blushes and wraps his arms around himself. He goes to open his mouth but stops when there's a knock at the door. He blinks a few times and looks over at Scott curiously.

"Oh, that might be Mitch. I told him you guys were coming today," Scott slides off the bed, and then he looks over at Mark. "I also might have told him that you were pregnant."

"You did what?" Mark sits up. "Scott! I don't want people to know yet!"

"I'm sorry! I had to tell him. I haven't told anyone else yet. I promise," Scott says. He sighs, and then he walks over to the door and opens it. He looks up and sees Mitch standing in front of him with his eyebrows raised. Scott blushes. "Sorry. Uh, come in. Mark and Mase are here." He lets Mitch inside.

Mitch follows Scott inside, and smiles when he sees Mark and Mason sitting on the bed.

"Mitch is here," Scott smiles. "He wanted to see you guys too."

"Hey, Mitch! Good to see you again," Mason smiles and stands up from the bed, walking over to Mitch and hugging him. He looks over as Mark slides off the bed.

Mark also gives Mitch a hug. "Guess you heard the big news, huh?" Mark chuckles.

"Yeah, Scotty told me. I just wanted to say congratulations. You must be so excited," Mitch smiles.

"Yeah, we are. It's exciting," Mark nods. "And, a little nerve wracking."

"I can imagine. With the male pregnancy stuff being so recent and all. Who's the other... father?"

"Masey," Mark replies as he looks over at Mason. "We did the math after I told them the news. But, Scott's going to be just as a dad to the baby as well. We already talked about it."

"Yeah, but there's also so much more we need to talk about. You need to start telling people,"

Mark sighs. "I-I will. I just need more time," he says. "It's only been like two months."

"We've got plenty of time Scott," Mason says, gently wrapping an arm around Mark's waist. "We know you're worried about tour, and I get it. Tour is still a couple weeks away though."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just want to make sure everything will be okay," Scott says.

"That's so Scotty. He's such a worry, isn't he?" Mitch asks, looking over at the other two.

"You have no idea," Mark and Mason say at the same time, earning an eye roll from Scott.

"I mean, I'm barely two months and not even showing yet, thankfully. I still have plenty of time now before I have to start being cooped up in the house. I can't even go anywhere without this one over here being my personal bodyguard-" Mark says as he points to Mason, raising his eyebrows.

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you and the baby," Mason pouts.

"I know," Mark chuckles. "But, it's nice having two people looking out for me."

"Have you guys had time to celebrate?" Mitch asks, looking between the three.

"Yeah, we did after the first show. We were just so in shock after Mark told us. I seriously thought whatever Mark was hiding was going to ruin Mark and Mason's relationship. Luckily, he told us,"

Mark whines. "I would have never let it come between our relationship. I just needed a little more time to think about what was happening. I mean, it's not the easiest thing to deal with," he says.

After catching up with Mitch for a little bit, Mitch decides to head out after he got a call from Beau.

"Do you really not want to tell other people yet?" Scott asks softly, looking over at Mark.

Mark slowly nods. "Yeah. I mean, I'm going to tell my parents, and probably Mason's too. Other than that, I still want a little more time to figure everything out before we tell everyone. It's going to be a bit overwhelming once we tell your fans. I'm not sure I'm prepared for that yet,"

"Okay, yeah. I understand that," Scott agrees with a nod.

"Take as long as you need. We've got plenty of time before you start showing," Mason says as he gently squeezes Mark's shoulder comfortingly. "We just want you to be comfortable and happy."

"I am comfortable and happy," Mark assures him, sighing softly as he rests his head on Mason's shoulder.

"I'm glad. You deserve to be happy," Mason whispers, pulling Mark closer.

Scott can't help but smile as he watches the two, feeling happy and grateful he found two amazing men.

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