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"God, that was amazing," Scott mumbles as he falls off of Mark.

"It's amazing we even have time for sex with two babies in the house," Mark chuckles.

Scott slowly pushes himself up. "The babies didn't wake up once. I call that... a victory," he leans over and kisses Mark once before standing up. "Wanna take a shower?"

"I should actually probably clean these sheets first. Your parents are coming in like two days," Mark says, groaning as he pushes himself up. "But I'll join you after I'm done if you're still in the shower."

"You know,I feel kinda bad that we had to use the guest bedroom. But, there's no way in hell we were gonna have sex with the twins in the same room. Besides, Mase would have killed us," Scott says.

"God, I would never do that," Mark shakes his head, and then he starts grabbing the sheets.

Scott chuckles, and follows Mark out of the bedroom.

Mark joins Scott in the shower after putting the blankets into the laundry, and then Mason gets home from the groceries as soon as Mark and Scott get out of the shower.

"We could have gone with you," Mark says as he and Mason put away the groceries.

"With two newborns? No way," Mason chuckles. "We're not quite there yet." He looks over at Mark.

"Well, we're going to have to start learning. We can't stay cooped up in the house forever. They're already one month and I wanna start taking them out places soon," Mark says.

"Where exactly can you take a newborn baby?" Mason asks curiously.

"I don't know exactly. We could go to the park or something. Maybe even just a dinner date. I'm serious, Mason. I really wanna start working on taking them out in public. We need to know how to handle twins," Mark says. "I can only imagine how difficult it will be once they get older."

"You do have a point," Mason nods. "We just have to be careful, with Scott being famous and all. People are going to want to come up to the babies and I don't think I'll be comfortable with that."

"Yeah, that's something we're definitely going to have to talk with Scott about," Mark nods.

"The only downside of dating a celebrity," Mason says. "I don't know how Scott does it."

"He's too sweet and kind to decline anyone who comes up to him," Mark smiles.

"Have you had lunch today yet?" Mason asks.

Mark sighs. "No. I completely forget about taking care of myself when caring for two babies," he says.

"Babe, you can't do that," Mason rolls his eyes. "Go sit with Scotty. I'll make a quick lunch."

Mark chuckles, but he does as he's told. He walks into the living room, where Scott's sitting on the couch and holding Elijah in his arms. Mark takes out his phone and takes a picture. "That's my favorite view,"

Scott looks over and smiles when he sees Mark. "What?"

"Just you with the twins. I love watching you and Mase be with them," Mark walks over and then he gently picks up Shane from his bed. "There's my sweet prince." He sits down on the couch beside Scott.

"I just love being with them. It's going to be so hard once things start picking up again with Pentatonix,"

"What's the next plan?" Mark asks as he looks over at Scott.

"I'm not sure yet. We'll probably take a little break for the rest of summer, and then we'll probably start doing Christmas stuff," Scott says. "We haven't decided if we're doing another tour or not this December."

"I can't wait until the twins are old enough to go to one of the shows," Mark smiles.

"God, I might start crying on stage if I ever see them in one of the crowds," Scott laughs.

"I wouldn't put it past you to start crying on stage," Mark grins, and looks down at Shane. "They're getting so big already. I was thinking we could take them out while your parents are here. Maybe we could go to dinner or something. It would be nice to get some practice with them out in public."

"I think we could be able to handle that. Us three will be with them, and my parents. Between us, somebody should be able to handle them if something goes wrong," Scott nods.

"I'm glad you agree. Mason is a bit hesitant taking them out so early," Mark sighs softly.

"I'm sure he's just being cautious," Scott tells him. "I don't blame him. It's a scary thought taking the twins out in public for the first time. Anything could go wrong. Not saying something would go wrong, but..."

"I know," Mark nods. "But, like you said. There's three of us, and we've been doing good so far."

"So far," Scott says, laughing when he sees the look on Mark's face.

"Lunch is served," Mason says as he walks into the living room with two plates.

Mark sits up and places Shane back into the bed, and takes a plate from Mason. He doesn't even care that it's just a sandwich and chips. He's so hungry that he'll take anything at this point.

Mason sets the plate down on the table and takes Elijah from Scott so Scott can eat.

Mason smiles as he sits in the chair with Elijah. "You both need to start taking care of yourself better,"

"Yes mom," Mark and Scott reply at the same time, and then both giggle at each other.

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