Love you~ Midoriya X GN Reader

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       Midoriya stared down at your crumpled form, eyes wide with tears. You dreamed to be a hero, to help others who couldn't help themselves. But that dream would never be a reality because you were quirkless.
    You stayed locked in your house most of the day, sometimes looking out at the sky from the roof of your house. Yelling profanities at fate in your head. You didn't understand, you wanted so badly to help people yet fate rushed in and took that dream away. You'd only be laughed at and shamed, you could never be a real hero, not without a quirk.
      You and Izuku met when you were children, just moving into the neighborhood and he was the first friend you made, growing up with him meant you grew up with Kaachan too. Yep, unfortunately you got your share of the fiery, explosive blond. Since growing up, you've avoided Bakugou like the plague, he'd only laugh at your dream of becoming a hero just like the public would. You really didn't need that. You looked out over the city, the sun getting ready to set, a cold breeze entangled itself in your ( H/C) hair. A sigh escaped your lips.
    " (L/N)- Kun/Chan!" A voice screamed at you from below. You looked down only to be met with the broccoli boy himself.
       " I told you Izuku, just call me ( Y/N)!" You yelled back at the boy. Izuku just smiled and scratched his neck, apologizing. Ever since you had that meltdown in front of him, he's been checking up on you, sometimes bringing by food and other times just keeping you company. The boy joined you on the roof and you stared at the shorter/taller boy next to you. A smile made its way to your features.
     "Why are you so nice to me Izuku?" Midoriya seemed taken aback by this question, he raised an eyebrow and looked down.
       "B-because.... I... I really like you ( Y/N)." He stuttered, blood rushing to his cheeks. You looked back at him and blushed a little yourself. No one has ever told you they liked you, but you had to admit, you had a small crush on the small broccoli boy.
         " I like you too, Izuku," you placed your hand over his. " but you're on your way to becoming a hero, I'll only get in your way." Midoriya's eyes grew wide and he grabbed your hand desperately.
          "That's not true ( Y/N)! You motivate me to do my best and you're always there for me! You could never get in my way!"

        It's been months since you saw him.... Izuku never came by anymore and you truly did worry about him. What if he was killed, what if he's injured and left in a ditch to die? Of course these questions didn't help with your anxiety. Walking outside you felt the warm embrace of the sun, something you haven't felt since the last time you spoke with Midoriya on your roof. A spiky blond head of hair caught your eye and you turned so fast the room started to spin. You fell over, grabbing into a well toned arm.
       "What the fu- ( Y/N)?" You didn't expect such a calm tone from him, you expected him to cuss you out and yell for touching him... which was something he was about to do before he saw your disheveled state. You had lost a lot of weight, bones almost seen through your thin skin, the white T shirt was loose and hung over you, making you look like a fragile boy/girl which was exactly what you were. Your hair was greasy and unkept and your skin was pale with dark circles under your eyes.
     "What's wrong with you?" The explosive male actually seemed worried for once, you hold onto his arm with one hand and put the other over your mouth. Tears erupted from you eyes and soft whimpers escaped your throat. Bakagou started to panic, unsure of how to calm you in your hour of need, he chose to rest his hand on your waist and other on your shoulder. The male guided you home, resting you on the couch, he rubbed circles into your back.
"W-where's Izuku?" You choked out, covering your face with your hands. Bakagou was taken aback, did the broccoli haired male not greet you? Did he stop visiting you? Was his lost of presence the thing that made you so upset? The male continues rubbing circles into your back.
"He's been busy,"He said, which was true, with being in the hero course things were sure to get hectic and the boy barley had any time to himself. " but he's been trying to visit you, he talk about you all the time."
You didn't know how to respond, you now knew he was alive, which was good, he's been planning on seeing you again, also good. But now you were faced with the new realization that he talked about you all the time. What did he say? Was it heartfelt? Or did he complain about you? You felt your negative thoughts kick in at all the things he could say about you. Oh (Y/N) is so clingy he/she is just so annoying. He/she follows me around like a lost puppy dog. I'm so sick of him/her. I wished he/she would just go off themselves, he/she was right, he/she should've never been born in the first place. Bakagou grabbed your shoulders and turned you to face him.
"He talks to fondly of you (L/N), you should hear the way he speaks about you. He/she is so beautiful, I'm so lucky to be able to have someone like that in my life. He/she is so kind, I love his/her smile, it's just the highlight of my day." Your breaths became more even and a small smile reached your features. Bakagou felt relieved that he finally managed to calm you down. You were finally happy.
A few days later Midoriya came to visit you and you couldn't help but jump on him and give him a giant bear hug. He fussed over you and helped you become healthy again, he stayed with you and he confessed his love to you. You obviously expected his feelings and became a very happy couple.

1089 words

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