No matter what they say~ Shiro X Daughter reader

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     "Get lost."
    These comments were made everyday, even if you weren't there to hear them. You are a sassy little 6th grader and most I people wouldn't mess with you since you could turn them inside out but you weren't exactly like the other kids; which is why this name calling continued. You're a genius and love math and science but you're good at anything this school throws at you, it caught most of the other kids off guard. You can name most of pi while other kids had just heard of it, when you were younger, around 4th grade or so, pidge ( it keeps autocorrecting to pudge XD) took this opportunity to teach you EVERYTHING and you absolutely loved learning. Of course Pidge was told to only keep it to what an average 6th grader would and should know but they managed to slip in some stuff here and there. Knowing the paladins of Voltron, and being the daughter of the leader, doesn't exactly make you untouchable like now for example. Some rumors went around that you were an alien, sent down to Earth and others say you were mutated or made. If idiots were airplanes, this school would be an airport. This comment made you chuckle and a kid slapped down your books and stared at you with a hard glare.
        "What are you laughing at, alien?" The bigger kid asked, he glared at you but you only went to retrieve your stuff. He smirked and looked over your crouched over form and he put his foot to your shoulder and pushed with all his might. You fell to the ground rather harshly and you were sure that kick would leave a bruise, the rest of the kids 'oohed' and laughed. You furrowed your brows and went back to organizing your stuff. You didn't show emotion very well but you had an irritated look on your face. The boy smiled a gap tooth smile from his high horse and decided to push you again.
     "Can you stop? You're being an inconvenience." You stated blankly, who cares if you hurt this kid's feelings, he already hurt your shoulder and perfect record. By the second push the bell rang and you were already late to class so you may have been a tad pissed. The crowd diminished a little but it seemed like these children would rather watch you be pushed down over and over again then get to class, if this happened to any other kid you would've walked right past to get to your next class. The boy raised a brow and pushed you again, you were already 2 minutes late, and by default so were the rest of the children, and this kid didn't seem to be getting bored.
    You stood up and rolled up your sleeves and pushed him back with all your might, you didn't exactly partake in fighting but it seemed like violence was your only option. A teacher came into the circle right when the boy stumbled back, the teacher broke up the fight and sent you both to the principle. Both the kid and his parents managed to blame it on you, saying you were the one that started it even though the principle was dumbfounded on why you would do such a thing. The kids parents were such suck-ups and the only things that left their mouths were "not my son." "He'd never do something like that, it was the girl, she picked on him first." There lack of evidence was astounding and how the principle was starting to believe them was even more mind-boggling. You had a weekend detention and were to be sent home, Keith picked you up since Shiro was at work and so therefore your brother had to pick you up. You weren't exactly happy with the lecture that he gave you while he drives you home. You mostly tuned him out since he always gets into fights and now is lecturing not to get violent and the stereotypical "violence is never the answer" You mumbled 'hypocrite' under your breath while you escaped the car and ran into the house. You opened your door and slammed it behind yourself, plopping yourself on your bed and getting out a (F/S) ( favorite subject) text book ( or any favorite book if you'd prefer). After an hour or so you heard conversation and then foot steps coming up the stairs, there was a soft knock and an asks for entrance.
    "Enter." You said, closing your book. Shiro came into your room calmly and sat at the edge of your bed, tapping the place next to him for you to come closer. You moved to sit next to him.
     "What happened, I don't care about what the other kid said, I want to hear your side of the story." You looked up at him, concern was lacing his features and you were glad he wasn't going to lecture you like Keith did. You told him everything, every detail was just spilling itself from your lips, the days of name calling and today with the pushing and the one demon of a child. Shiro comforted you even though you didn't care that you were being called such terrible names, you just thought the kid was annoying for making you late for class.
    "Y/N, you're really special; no matter what they say," Shiro smiled and wrapped his arm around you and brought you closer. "I will still be here, loving you."
     Shiro went with you to explain to the principal what happened and you were taken out of detention, now the demon child was in your spot and continued with you untouched track record. With the exception for the 2 missing classes.

A/N: thank you CodilynLunn for requesting this, I hope it was to your liking and if it wasn't I have other ideas for this topic, Shiro is best dad 👌🏻 Space dad.
    999 words

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