Chapter four

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"Y/N..." Peter sighed

"I know you have been worried about me lately. I know you have bad dreams about me, and you stay up all night worrying about me. But please you have to stop! You have to live your life!" Peter argued.

I looked down at my feet.

"I know Peter. It's just...I love you." Peters eyes widened

Even though we have been dating for 6 months, I've never told him that I love him. I waws always to nervous or just didn't know if I did. But when I saw him bleeding on the floor, I knew I did.

"I love you too." He said then ripped off his mask and pulled me into a kiss. We stood there making out for a good 5 minutes. It was magical, Peter was always one to be , but something came over him, like he all of a sudden got a load of confidence.

"Okay, that's enough." we broke out of our kiss and looked towards the voice.

It was Iron Man! Aka my dad.

"Dad!" I yell than run over to him. His mask comes off and he wraps me in a hug.

"Hey kid!" He says then releases me from the hug.

"Hey Mr. Stark." Peter says with a bright red face.

"Hey, Underoos." Tony says and gives peter a awkward smile.

"Did you take care of her while I was gone for a day?" Tony asked peter.

"Y-ye-yes sir, I did." Peter replied, i smiled at his nervousness.

"So, I hear it's your 6 month anniversary tonight. " We both nod

"Well if you want I can make a reservation at that new French restaurant down town for you guys." I am still salty that Peter won't tell me what we are doing so I nod yes.

"Ac-actually I made plans for tonight." Peter said then his face turned red again.

"Of course. Y/N, can I have a moment with Parker."
"I'm just gonna talk to him!" Tony said then threw his arms in the air in defense.

I give my dad a look then walked over to Peter I kissed him on the cheek then whispered in his ear, "Don't let him scare you." Peter nodded then looked over at Tony while I walked away and climbed down the ladder and waited for peter there.


"So Peter." Tony said

That alone scared me, he usually calls me kid, underoos, or anything but Peter.

"What are going to do.."

"what?" I questioned because I was so confused.

"With my daughter, are you just dating her to be on my good side. Or do you actually lover her and want to be with her forever?" Tony asked

I thought for a second.

"Mr. Stark. I love your daughter. More than Spider-Man, more than the avengers, more than anything. And, I wanted to ask for your permission," Tony stood still

"I want to marry her, not now, but in a couple years when I have this Spider-Man thing down. So, I bought her a promise ring." Peter pulled his phone and showed Tony a picture of the ring.

"Peter, I'm really proud of you. But my daughter will not date a superhero-" Peter cut him off and was about to say something but Tony lifted up his hand

"I'm not done, so, I give you 5 years, you will be 21, and that is when you make a decision, my daughter or Spider-Man." Tony put his mask back on then said, "Show my daughter a great time for the remaining years." He then flew off, Peter sighed, the choice was obvious, he just didn't want to lose it forever.

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