Chapter 30

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I woke up as soon as I felt the absence of peter. I rubbed my eyes then looked up.
"P-peter?" I say but my voice raspy from sleep.
"Did I wake you?" He asked kindly
I shook my head no
"Where are you going at 3 in the morning?" I asked sitting up and seeing him scramble around the room.
"My spideysenses, someone's in trouble!" He says finding his suit and hurrying to put it on.
"B-be ca-careful." I say then snuggle myself back in his bed.
"I will." He says then swings out the window.
                               Time Skip ———————————————————————-
I woke up again when I felt peter slip back into bed.
"What was it?" I asked then turn around to face peter.
"Just a small house robbery." Peter says making himself comfortable in the bed.
"Oh." I say then turn back around.
"Y/N, can we talk?" Peter asks
"Sure." I say then sit up in bed and peter does the same.
"I was Uh, thinking. And uh. I think we shouldn't get back together." The words that came out of his mouth made me froze. I looked over at him eyes already teary.
"What?" I say softly
"It's not that I don't want too! Please believe me! It's just that, if you're dating me, you're always gonna be in some kind of danger! People know now that you kissed Spider-Man and people are gonna come after you! So," he paused and took a deep breath.
"We have to make the public believe your dating someone else so that my enemies won't come after you." Peter says looking at me for my reaction.
"So, I have to get a fake boyfriend?" I ask, he tilts his head slightly then nods.
"Peter, that's insane! The only person I want to be with is you, eventually." I say rubbing away what's left of sleep in my eyes.
"And People all ready know I'm dating peter Parker." I tell him
"That's too risky, someone's gonna put two and two together y/n!" Peter tells me
"Wait, you said we're dating! And you want to be back together!" He exclaims happily.
"Not anymore since I have to get a fake boyfriend." I tease then lay back down.
"I'm just kidding about that, you don't have to, you could just say you broke up with me or something, oh wait you did!" Peter teases back. I turn around and hit him on the arm.
"Owww!" He says but smiles and laughs.
"Shut up penis Parker and go to bed." I say then turn back around. He lays back down, and I can feel his hand slowly wrap around my waist.
"Peter!" I yell
"What what!? What's wrong!?" He says worryingly
"My fake boyfriend might get jealous! You should stop." I tease then start laughing. He rolls his eyes then continues to cuddle me.

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