Chapter 28

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"WHAT!?" Tony and pepper say at the same time.
"Y/N, is this true?" Pepper asked
I nod
"Oh my god." She says than wraps me in a hug.
"Not again peter!" Tony yells at him
"I was there to save her this time!" Peter says back, pepper walks away with me in her arms, we walk to the bathroom to get me freshened up bc supposedly I would feel better.
"Peter." Tony says rubbing his temple
"Why-how-." Tony didn't know what to say.
"Your her boyfriend! No, her future husband!" Tony yells at peter
"No I'm not." Peter says softly
"She broke up with me a little while ago." A single tear rolls down his face
"Peter...I'm sorry." Tony says hugging him.
"What about the ring? And the future marriage?" Tony asked
"Well, she said she wants to think things through and that she'll make up her mind in a week." Peter tells tony
"Look kid, this is too much drama, too much stress for Y/N and definitely for you, you should be focusing on being Spider-Man." Tony says to peter
"What are you saying?" Peter asked
"I'm saying, you and Y/N shouldn't date. Anymore." Tony tells peter. Peters face becomes red with anger and confusion.
"What!? But but you said that you-"
"Kid calm down!"
"No!! I will not calm down. I can't live without her and when you say that YOU don't want us to be together, I I-" peter was so chocked up on not being able to date you that he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"Peter." Tony and peter heard a voice from behind them. They turn to see Y/N standing there with a towel around her naked body.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Tony asked
"N-no. I just got a voicemail," I say handing them my phone.
Peter presses play,
"Hello Y/N. It's Nick. Today was unexceptional and I hope you can understand why I'm going to, kill peter. Earlier tonight I hired someone to kidnap you and bring you to me. But obviously the neighborhood Spider-Man was their to "save" you. But don't worry my Y/N. I will get you, and we will be together forever. Once I kill peter Parker. So hang in their my girl for I will save you soon."
The voicemail ended and I started to cry.
"He's gonna kill peter." I sob
Peter grabs me and hugs me tight.
"No he's not. I will not let that happen." Peter says to me.
"Peter, I think it's best to have Y/N stay with her aunt upstate." Tony says
"What? No dad! I want to stay with peter, if I'm with him Nick can't kill him. And if he's with me he can protect me from him." I tell tony
"I guess your right. But what about your mothers dinner party?" Tony questioned
"It's okay." We hear pepper say walking into the room.
"Let her go with peter." Pepper convinces Tony.
Tony nods then hugs me.
"I'm gonna go put on some clothes. Than would it be okay with aunt may if I can stay with you guys?" I asked peter
"Of course! You know she loves you like a daughter." Peter says
"Oh, yeah btw how is aunt may?" Tony asked and pepper and peter shoot him this annoyed look.
"Never mind." Tony says walking away.
I walked into my room and peter followed.
"Peter I have to get dressed!" I tell him
"I know but, I just don't want to leave you alone." Peter told me
"Suurrre." I tease him walking over to my closet
"So, Y/N. What happened before I got their to save you?" Peter asked
"I don't want to talk about it." I tell him grabbing an oversized sweater and some leggings to put on.
"Oh yeah sorry." He says nervously
"What was the rest of the day like at school without me?" He asked changing the subject
"I don't know, happy picked me up." I tell him walking out of my closet, I gave him this awkward look and he turned around so I could change.
"Oh, I would have thought you would have stayed." Peter told me and I was almost done getting dressed.
"Peter could you just stop talking. I'm really not in the mood." I tell him lifting my hoodie over my head.
"Of course, sorry." He tells me.
l finished getting dressed then told him he could turn around.
"Could you help me reach my bag so I can pack, it's on the top shelf in my closet." I ask him. He nods than walks over to my closet. He grabbed the bag than handed it to me. But when he looked around at my closet he noticed that his sweatshirts were hanging up in their own little section. He smiled knowing now that you still love him and that you still have his sweaters.

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