Chapter 34

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"What's wrong?" Peter said terrified
"Nothing, never mind." I reply then show a week smile.
"It's not nothing, What is it?" Peter says walking over to me and hugging me from behind.
"No, really it's nothing." I lied
"Okay," he nods then kisses me on the cheek. He walks back over to my bed and continues to eat chips while I stare out the window.
To be honest, something was bothering me, but, I don't think it's anything.
"Peter," I say looking over at him, he turns to look at me.
"Yes love?" He says then pulls out another chip and tosses it in his mouth.
"We should do something, like, go out tonight." I say
"No, no. No no no no no no! Y/n, you were literally almost kidnapped, we can't risk you being out," he says concerned
"But Nick is in jail! He can't get to us anymore and we need something to take our minds off of things." I say
"Well...what do you want to do?" Peter asked
"Let's go to a party, I heard one of flashes friends are hosting one and..."
"And....? Y/n, you never want to go to party's," peter says
"I do now!" I Snap at him, he looks down then back at me,
"What about tony and May, they would never let us go!" Peter says
"Just tell tony that we are with May and tell May we are with tony." I say back
Peter stays quiet for about a minute before saying,
"Okay, whatever you want love." Peter says then smiles, I smirk back at him then walk over to my closet.
"I'm gonna go home and get ready, then we'll meet back here?" Peter asked standing up again,
"Sure , whatever." I say going through my clothes.
Peters face drops as he walks out of my room.
I rummage through my dresses when a certain dress catches my eye, a strapless black dress that cuts off before my knees. I hurry to slip it on, then hurry to put on some makeup and fix my hair up,
Time Skip
I looked down at my phone and saw that it was getting late and the party already started, I texted peter to hurry up but he didn't respond. I tried calling him 12 times and he didn't answer,
"You know what, I'm just gonna go by myself," I say to myself then open my balcony and climb down. As I climbed down I peeked into the kitchen window where I saw some of the avengers walking around or just talking to each other. I continue to climb down, my heels touching the grass, I started to slightly jog away.

Peters POV
I swung from building to building, trying my best to get to y/n. I looked down at my phone and realized she tried calling me 12 times! But, there was a robbery at the southwest queens bank. I made my way to her balcony and opened the door walking in to her dark room. There was no one here, she must of got pissed and went to the party without me. I ran back out and shut her balcony door, then continued to swing towards the neighborhood the party was at.
I walked into the house filled with drunken teenagers. Trying to find flash, I finally spotted him trying but failing to flirt with some girl. I laughed to myself then walked over to him,
"Hey, wussup flash?" I say, the girls eyes immediately glueing to me,
"Oh,my,gosh! You're y/n Stark!" She says excitedly
"Shhh! I'm not supposed to be here!!" I say back to her, she nods
"Are you two like, friends?" She asks
Flash nods
"O.M.G You're so cool flash!" She says to flash then starts flirting with him, I wink at him then walk away trying to find someone else to talk to. But suddenly I see a very concerned peter Parker barge in. I roll my eyes then walk over to him. He looks around the room until his eyes land on me, he started to walk faster towards me.
"Hey! Why didn't you wait for me?" He asks a bit pissed.
"Well you took forever!" I say then turn around walking to a table filled with drinks. Peter followed me watching my every move.
"Wh-wh-what are y-you doing?" Peter asked nervously
"I'm g-g-g-getting a drink, calm d-d-down." I mock him picking up a red cup and filling it with whatever alcoholic drink was in the punch bowl. I take a sip, immediately getting that disgusting alcohol taste.
"You shouldn't  be drinking y/n." Peter warns me
"Shut up, you're not my dad!" I yell at him walking away, of course he follows me like a lost puppy.
"Y/n, lets just go," peter says to me but I continue walking deeper into the house.
"No peter, I want to have fun!" I yell
"Y/n!" Peter yells trying to get my attention but I continue walking. I found my way to a dance floor where girls were dancing all up on guys and loud music blasting, I start to sway my hips to the beat feeling the alcohol getting to me. I see flash and I walk over to him. We started dancing and laughing at each other. But I didn't see peter in site. And I didn't care. I kept dancing when all of a sudden I felt two hands wrap around my waist. I turn around to see some guy smiling down at me. I push his hands off,
"Don't touch me," I warn him the try to continue having a good time with my friend when the guy did it again but he grabbed my butt. I turned around and shoved the guy,
"I said don't touch me!" I say raising my voice a bit, all of a sudden the alcohol really got to me and I got a bit dizzy, I started to slightly trip and I walked away from the dance floor pushing people out of my way.
I turned around to see the guy following me with a evil smirk. I tried to walk faster but he kept following me. I immediately started to run back to the dance floor, not wanting him to corner me where there's no people. I found flash again and I stick my his side, not seeing the guy again. I sigh in relief, but suddenly felt his unwanted presence grab me again. He dived himself on me while I tried to push him off.
"Let go of me!!!" I yell kicking, I closed my eyes focusing on fighting back when the room went quiet,
"She said let go of her!" I heard a dark voice yell. I almost immediately knew who it was. It was peters interrogation mode on his suit, he always used it to sound intimidating. I open my eyes and see Spider-Man walking towards us. The guy let's go of me and walks away with his hands in the air backing off. I run into Spider-Man's arms and start to sob in his chest.
The music stopped and everyone had there eyes 👀 stuck on us. Spider-Man then picked me up bridal style and walked right out of the house. He then started to swing us somewhere, but I past out due to all of the action from tonight.

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