Chapter 21

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A/N PLEASE READ: okay so I'm not sure when I'm gonna end this book but it probably won't be for a while, but if I do I will make a book two for it bc I'm desperately in love with Peter Parker/Tom Holland.


I woke up when Peter got out Of bed and started to change into his spider suit.
"Peter?" I say sleepily
"Shh, darling. I'll be back to rest you with you, I'm just gonna do a quick patrol around the neighborhood." He said than walked over and kissed my head.
"Okay Peter." I say then rest my head on his pillow.
"I love you!" He says then opens the window
"I love you too." I say but it was quiet because I was falling back asleep.

Sadly I was woken up again when I got a call from my dad. I groan then grabbed my phone and pick it up.
"Hello?" I say
"Y/N! Hurry and get over to Avengers HQ right now." Tony said to me through the phone.
"Why what's wrong?" I asked starting to worry. Did something happened to Peter?!
"Nothing. It's just that I want to give you this suit so that if you ever get kidnapped again you can fight back!" Tony says, yeah that might seem a little crazy to have a whole suit! But than again if I'm ever kidnapped I can protect myself.
"Okay on my way." I say And was about to hang up when he said
"Oh and bring Spider-boy." We always joke about calling him that.
"He's on his patrol right now." I say rubbing the last bit of sleep from my eyes.
"Okay I'll call him through the suit," Tony says than hangs up. I hurry and run out of Peters apartment and head to avengers HQ.
Shit, do I have to pick of Peter, the HQ is quite far away. I pulled over to the side, and picked up my phone. I pressed on his contact and waited for him to answer.

Yes love?

Peter did my dad talk to you?

Yeah I'm on my way

Wait do you need a ride

Sure! That's better than walking

Duh it is, where should I pick you up?

Near midtown.

Okay I'm coming.

I was about to hang up but than he said,

I love you!

You don't have to tell me that every five minutes peter. I laugh a little at the end

I know I just want to, because I do love you!

I love you too Parker.

I than hang up and start to drive towards Midtown.

We arrived at avengers HQ
"C'mon peter hurry up!" I say as we walk towards the building
"I'm coming." He says than runs so he catches up to me.
"I'm so excited! I might be getting a suit! Just like my boyfriend and Dad!" I say jumping up and down.
"It's only for emergencies darling." He says holding my hand
"Jeez you sound like my dad." I say then playfully roll my eyes.
We walk in to the building and I've been here a thousand times so I can basically predict where my dad is.
"Follow me." I say then lead peter to Tony's lab.
"Dad?" I yell 
"Over here!" He says back, I turn my head to see him working on the suit.
"Okay, so before I give it to you, you have to promise to only use it for emergencies!"
I nod
"And it also had calling system so you can either call us and tell us where you are or just and emergency button so that it tells us through our suits and phones. Oh btw peter let me see your phone so I can hook up the suit and the phone."He finishes, peter handed him his phone, and tony quickly set everything up. He then handed he phone back and said,
"Here you go."
He hands me this,

"You've got to be kidding me

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"You've got to be kidding me." I say
"What do you not like it?" He frowns
"Well, I'm almost exactly matching Peter! People might even think I am Spider-Man if I wear that." I say than cross my arms
"So picky! Don't worry I have another one." He walks away and tries to find it, while peter comes up from behind me wraps his hand around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder.
"Do you not want to match me?" He says sadly
"No! It's just it's to obvious. I'm sorry," I say looking down.
"It's okay baby I was just kidding." I He says than tony comes back, peter let's go of me as we listen to tony.
"Same.Rules.Different.Suit." He says in between breathes, he must of being running or something to find that suit
He handed it over to me
And this is what it looked like,

" He says in between breathes, he must of being running or something to find that suit He handed it over to me And this is what it looked like,

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"So you can hide, but you'll still have a little bit of your future  hubby with you." Tony says
I'm so so so glad that tony and peter get along I remember when I told him I was see peter, I thought he would freak out. But he seemed pretty cool, I guess it's because peter and him got along so well before we started dating.
"Thanks dad." I say hugging him
"No problem. And to activate it just press on this bracelet" he handed me a very pretty bracelet. "But your mom does want you to stay home this week because she said something about a dinner party we have to go to." Tony says
"Fine, can peter stay one of the nights?" I asked
"Sure." He says turning away from me and started to fiddle with his equipment.

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