#2 Kakashi-sensei and Sakura-chan? - The hero's comeback

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"What?" Sakura raised her right eyebrow giving a hostile look on her sensei who's giggling over the chopstick thing.

"Nothing." the masked jounin cough in excuse as if nothing happened.

As Kakashi gave the chopstick to her, she estranged it, trying her best to avoid he's gaze.

Silence with full of akwardness. They are the only customers on the Ichiraku. Moreover, they were the only person right now on the ramen shop. Teuchi was out for awhile for he went to the market to buy some bowls. While, Ayame, Teuchi's daughter went shopping to buy some ingredients. They asked Kakashi and Sakura to watch the ramen shop for awhile.

"Sensei, could you remove your mask?" the pink kunoichi requested as if it's no big deal. But deep inside, she's very excited to see one of the Konoha's mystery, Kakashi's true face. Of course, Sakura is smart enough to act like a professional actress. She's doing great by staring at him with impatience that will make Kakashi a little panic and slightly nervous.

"Uhmm.." he scratched his head and smiling like an idiot. He's obviously doubtful whether he's going to take off his mask or not. But he decide not to. So he came up with a poorly made excuse that have been used for over a century (LOL)"I just remembered, that I had something important to do."

"Sensei! Didn't Teuchi-san asked us to watch over his Ramen shop until he came back?" Sakura seems a little annoyed. She knows that Kakashi is just making-up excuses.

"But I need to go..." Kakashi insisted. He stood up, and shifted the banner that cover the ramen shop from the sunlight and rainfall with his right hand but before he had the chance to walk away from the shop, Sakura grabbed his right arm and glared at him intensely. Kakashi swallowed his breath out of fear. In just any second, Sakura may completely broke his arm that got slightly injured awhile ago.

"I know you don't want to let anyone let see your face. But I mean whenever you eat ramen here, you let Teuchi-san and Ayame-san to see your face right? Why not let me see it too? It's not that you have something embarrasing at your face right? But even there is, we're the only people here sensei! I won't laugh at you. And never will I. I'm your student you know.. I mean ex-student. But even so, I've already know you for freaking 5 years!!" Her tone had change. But she's not mad, it's just that she feel untrusted? You can see at her emotion that she's sad and her feelings are a little bit sullen to her sensei. She turned her gaze underneath, staring at the loamy road that serves as the floor of the shop.

Kakashi felt guilty. He looked at her with sense of guilt. He gently hold her right hand that made the pink kunoichi shocked and confused, wondering what will he do. While holding her princess-like hand even though she often punched stone or a huge block. He placed it on his left side of his cheek. Her hand feels so smooth thinking if only he had the chance to stop the time, he would hold her hand till the last seconds of the day.

"Kakashi-sensei what are you do-"

"Sakura."that husky voice of her sensei saying her name made her speechless. They are staring each other's eyes like it's a staring contest. The loser will be dared by the winner. Sakura cannot hold her emotion anymore in any minute, she would dig a hole and burried herself underneath because of embarrasment. So she turned her gaze somewhere that won't meet his 'seductive' eyes. She had lost the game.

"Take it off." Kakashi ordered. She got surprised that made her turned her gaze back to his eyes like it belongs to him.

"What?" Sakura prentend like she didn't heard. She knows that he's talking about the mask he wants it to take it off by her. But Kakashi didn't replied. He just continue staring at Sakura's jade-like eyes. Sakura gulped and inserted her four little fingers inside Kakashi's mask, she can feel the warmness of her sensei's face inside the mask. Her hands are trembling out of nervous. For the first time in forever, she would see the mystery that everyone wants to see. She squeeze the mask, preparing for the right timing to pull the mask off.

But then something unexpected will happen. Someone had to ruin the moment. They're near the climax but now they will go back from the beginning. But who would ruin the moment?

A) Teuchi and Ayame


B) The second-love interest of the MC?

If you answered letter B then you are...CORRECT!

While Sakura is now all prepared to pull the mask off they had no idea that there is a blond man wearing a konoha headband, the hero of the village named Naruto Uzumaki walking towards at the shop craving for ramen.

Before entering the shop, he gracefully say, "Finally I'm going to eat my all time favorite food! Teuchi-san! Two special ramen plea--"Expecting to see the ramen guy at the counter, but he saw Kakashi and Sakura instead. But not only that. The distance of the two is so close and akwardly staring at each other's eyes. But one thing that Naruto suprised the most is Sakura's hand are placed in Kakashi's face.

"Ehhhhhhhhhh??!!!! Kakashi-sensei and Sakura-chan????!!!!" He screamed in surprise. He just saw the last thing he would ever expect to see from going back to Konoha. His mouth are widely opened due to too much shocked.

"Naruto!" Sakura immediately removed his hand from Kakashi's face.

"Impossible! Kakashi-sensei and Sakura-chan? Why sensei? You're simply taking the move on Sakura-chan while I'm away right? Whyyyyy??" Naruto childishly run away, forgetting his hunger. He clearly misunderstood the situation. But even other person will see it, they would also misunderstand it. Who would thought the situation that Sakura is just going to remove his mask while they are just 12 centimeters away from each other and staring each other like they're just to kiss in any minute like what happens in a movie.

"Wait Naruto!"Sakura shouted, but before following him she turn round, looking at Kakashi with a naughty smile. "We're not yet done. Remember, we're just reaching the climax."

Kakashi just nodded and smile. And Sakura went outside to follow Naruto. While running on the road, she's smiling like she's nearly winning the gamble.

The masked jounin stared at the running kunoichi from faraway, and just a minute, Teuchi and Ayame came back from shopping.

"Where's Sakura?"Teuchi asked.

"Chasing someone who ruined my once in a blue moon chance."Kakashi replied, looking from far ahead.

Teuchi and Ayame got confused, but they just laugh instead. "That's too bad for you Kakashi. Blue moon only appears once in a decade and they only appear during night."

Chapter Ends.
See what will going to happen on the next chapter!!



Hope you liked it!!! Sorry if it's short >_<

And I was inspired to continue this story because of your support minna! Thank you very much!!!

And also please excuse my poor grammatical skill. I'm not really good at english >.<

Again, thank you for supporting this fanfic, please continue to support especially on the upcoming chapters. I will try to update as soon as I can. But I think it may take time because I need to review for my upcoming entrance exam on my dream school in college ._.

Love lots,

FrozenSnowflake xoxo

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