#5 New Mission

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The day after yesterday's weird incident. LOL

The former team 7 are summoned by the hokage for a mission.

They are currently travelling and their destination is the land of snow. It takes 2 days before you reach the land of snow so that's why they have backpack with them. Except for Kakashi. As usual he just only bought his favorite book and a pair of kunai and shuriken with him.

"Geez.. What did Granny-Tsunade told us to do?" Naruto pouted in complain. "It's unfair! Why she didn't tell me? Geez...."

"You'll find out later." Sakura said.

"C'mon Sakura-chan tell meee~~~!!" Naruto annoyingly nagged.

"Stop it Naruto. You'll find it out later, okay?" the pink kunoichi rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"But....Ah! Kakashi-sensei, will you tell it to me?" Naruto is too excited for he's absent for two years on doing missions because of his training for the upcoming war.

"Uh..you'll find out later." Kakashi scratched her hair giving Naruto a not-sure-look. That made the blonde shinobi suspects something.

"Geez...Are you guys hiding something from me?" Naruto suspiciously asks.

"NOPE." Kakashi and Sakura both said in unison. Even their voice had the same tone. They looked at each other's faces, Sakura giving Kakashi a annoying-look.

"What?" the masked jounin asked in confusion. Sakura raised her right eyebrow and surly says "Nothing."

Meanwhile, Naruto feeling out of place. Like he knows there's something going on between the two but he doesn't know what to say.

"Hmmm." he hummed suspiciously.

"Are you two going out?"

"What are you talking about Naruto?" The pink kunoichi exclaimed in shock and disgust. She gives Naruto a very deadly look.

The blond shinobi gulped in fear, when he saw Sakura reaction like she was about to punch him any minute. He scratched his head like an idiot trying to calm the annoyed kunoichi "Ehehe, I'm just joking Sakura-chan."

"Then, that's a very bad joke Naruto." Still, she's annoyed on what happened yesterday. Not only that, simply she's not on mood to take jokes. She can't help but think on what she's going to do about the 'letter' she had recieved. She know it's from Sasuke, and that hawk yesterday is Sasuke's summon.

She's sweating for no reason and that made Kakashi become suspicious about Sakura's action. He stared at her trying to figure out what's bothering on her. But of course, he can't know on just staring. He should ask her on what's wrong with her.

"Sakura, is there anything bothering you?"he asked.

Bullseye. That's your Kakashi-sensei for you. She knows Kakashi is the one who understands her more than anyone. But.. She can't just say 'Yesterday, Sasuke told me to meet him later'

That will only make the situation bad. Especially for Naruto if he hear this. He will immediately forget the mission and chase Sasuke again.

"I'm just tired." she lied.

But that excuse doesn't satisfy Kakashi.

"Everyone let's take a brake for awhile." Kakashi announced.

"No..It's alright sensei." says Sakura.

"But, we're still here at Konoha." she reasoned.

"Right Naruto?" says Sakura convicing Naruto to continue travelling. But meanwhile Naruto, doesn't have any idea on what they are talking about for he's mind is flying off somewhere.

"Eh..? What?" he innocently ask while blinking his eyes out of confusion.

"Nevermind." Sakura rolled her eyes.


"Uhhh..I'm tired..." Naruto moaned.

"Fine. Let's take a break." Sakura finallly gives up. Kakashi can't help but smile a little bit as he won over Sakura. As soon as they reach the exit of Konoha, they looked for a place with trees to lie on.

Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura decided to rest on a big tree branch. But they have different tree to lie on.

Kakashi while resting on a tree he again started to read his all time favorite book Icha-Icha paradise.

While, Naruto playfully walking on the tree stem vertically. Remember their first chakra-control training? Climbing the tree using their feet? That's it!

"Kakashi-senseeeiiii~! Do you remember this?" Naruto yelled.

"Of course. That time, Sakura is superior than you in terms of chakra-control. And that time you sucks." Kakashi teased with smile.

Sakura glance at Kakashi as she heard him mentioned her name. Kakashi caught her glance so he smiled in return. But Sakura leered at him in return and jump off the tree and walks away.

"Where are you going?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm going somewhere where someone won't bother me. Don't worry I'll be back after ten minutes." Then she continue to walk.

Five minutes have pass and Sakura still hasn't return. Kakashi thinks she's still mad because of the weird incident yesterday. Just remembering that embarrasing move he did, he can't help but slam his face on the tree. Naruto thinks his sensei is being weird. But he didn't pay attention on to it so he continue climbing the tree as he reach the top view.

Twelve minutes have passed but still Sakura hasn't return. Kakashi is now being worried. He stand on the tree branch and yelled at Naruto who's sitting at the peak of the tree. "Naruto, can you see Sakura from there?"

"No. Why?" Naruto yelled back.

In just a moment of time they heard a familiar scream. A loud but faint scream.

"SH**T!! Naruto get back down there, Sakura is in danger!" Kakashi yelled. And immediately went where the scream came from.

"Wait for us Sakura." Kakashi said to himself as he run faster as he could as if he was going to save a princess being held as hostage by a witch.



I'm truly sorry for the late update >.<

Author is too busy for her study because Author-san is a graduating student. Hope you understand my dear readers.

And I'd like to thank you for continue supporting this fanfic even the author hardly update. Thank you thank you minna.

And sorry if it's short again >__<

Again let's meet each other on the next update!



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