#8 Masked.

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I woke up in a room, in a dark room looking like a room in a cave, I'm lying on a plywood with just a thin sheet of fabric on top of it and a very small pillow in my head. An ignite candle placed on top of the wooden table serves as the light here in this room. I trail my eyes everywhere, I blink remembering what happened. What really had happened. For some reason my head feels heavy. I touch my forehead, slowly massaging to stop the ache.

"So I see you're awake now." A voice outside from this prison-like room. It is a cave with a gate like harness like you see in a typical prisons. The person was wearing a cape with clouds printed on it.


That person is a member of akatsuki.

He opened the door using a technique I had no idea what is it. He's wearing an orange mask, only his right eye was shown. He's holding a tray of fruits.

"Who are you?" I asked. I step backwards.

"Are you hungry? Here's some fruits." He ignored my question.

"Who are you? Why did you brought me here?" I ignore his offer. Why in the world I would eat thos fruits instead? What if they put a poison on it? Why would I accept it knowing that they are enemies?

"Look. I know you have a lot of questions in your mind. But first, eat this. I know you're hungry since you've been sleeping for 10 hours. I'll try to answer your question later." He said like he's trying to say like he's not an enemy.

I look at the fruits he's holding and what, I heard my stomach mumble. I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. I told my self.

"I'm not hungry." I told him. Which is obviously a lie. I'm so hungry that I could eat this person infront of me.

"Don't worry. This fruits doesn't have a poison on it." He assured. He probably know what I am thinking.

I look at the fruits again, this time it's a suspicious look. I can't just simply trust this enemy in front of me. Probably it is a trap.

"I'm not hungry." I told him again.

"Oh okay. Just in case you got hungry, I'll leave this fruits here." He said, putting the tray on the top of the old table beside the wall.

He turns around, walking outside of this room them perfomed the technique he had performed before to open the gate.

"No eating. No answers." He said before disappearing. Is he insane? Is he telling me to if I eat this damn fruits then my questions will be answered? Does he thinks I'm a kid to believe that?



My stomach mumbles again. I stand up, and slowly walking towards the tray on the wooden table. I pick up the apple, smell it if there's any suspicious something on it. Like poison or whatsoever. I divided the apple with my bare hands. It smell fresh. Just like other ordinary apples you buy in the market.

I took a bite, slowling munching the taste of the freshly picked apple. In just a few seconds, I manage to finish eating. Second, I took the banana. Then the apple again, then the lychee, etc. etc. until I'm satisfied.

After I empty the tray, the masked man appeared in front of the gate again.

"That was fast." He said. "Kindly didn't expect that." he added as he entered this room.

"Oh did you ate the apple? Crap!" He said in a panicked tone. Wait what? What's with the apple? The apple I ate? Don't tell me...

"Don't tell me..It was a poisoned apple?!!" I shouted in panicked. Shit. Shit. I told you Sakura! You shouldn't have trusted the enemy! You big idiot!!!!!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA." He suddenly bursted out of laughter. A teasing laugh mixed of slightly evilish.

What the heck?! Don't tell me he's just fooling me?! WhAt ThE.

"Do you seriously thought, the apple I gave you was poisoned? Are you imagining this is some sort of Fairy Tale? Little Snow White?" He sarcastically said especially the Snow White part and adding some annoying chuckle at the end.

I never seen someone who annoys me more than Naruto did when we were still young. This person...is purely annoying. As hell.

"What so funny? You think I'm a some sort of person who wouldn't even react if someone said the food you just ate is poisoned? You think I'm that numb?" I said in a veryyyyyyy annoyed tone.

"Did I even said it was poisoned? You're jumping into conclusion so fast that's one of the reason I laugh." He reasoned. He's really annoying. He's already getting into my nerves. I want to rip that mask and punch him in the face directly.

"Oh? Are you sure about that Mr. Orange? Who even conclude that this is some sort of Fairy Tale? Maybe you're fan of snow white that's why you had to mention her earlier.." I said very teasingly hoping he would be annoy on what I had said. And oh, I used the word Mr. Orange because he's mask looks like the orange fruit I ate earlier.

And bingo. He glared at me, suddenly the pressure in the room had increase. His black right eye, slowly turning into a red one. ...




Is he an Uchiha?! If yes, who might be? Sasuke?! No, his voice is very different. And why in the world he'll bring me some fruits to eat. If that's him, he would probably let me starve to death. Maybe Itachi? But Sasuke had just fought him several weeks ago and I heard he died...

But who else?

Madara? But he died very long tike ago already.... Who? Who? Another survivor of the Uchiha massacre? But who?!

"Who are you?" I asked him. This time it was very serious tone.

But he didn't answer me. He keeps glaring at me. It is very deadly glare like I did something very wrong. Did offend his great ancestor or what?

I gulped in fear, drip of sweats are slowly dropping on my cheeks. The pressure is just too intense. Is he going to kill me just because I had annoyed him because of some stupid matter? Well he's the one who started it anyway!

I move step backwards until my back pressed the wall. I lift my two hands, having the pose of ready to fight back.

"Pffft...." He suddenly....chuckled? And the intense pressure earlier had disappeared.

"What?" I asked. Confusiously asked.

"That was..funny." He said. "By the way, I'm Uchiha Obito. Nice meeting you Haruno Sakura."

Wait...wait..what the hell was that?!



Truly sorry for the late update! I'm sorry if I promised that I would update often but I didn't. I'm very busy on my projects. TTOTT hope you understand!

Btw, don' forget to vote and comment your thoughts about this chapter! Your comments motivates me to continue writing this fanfic<3



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