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Nitara went to her room showered, got dressed and went to kitchen to have breakfast and wait for Tracey.

She arrived just as she was finishing her breakfast.

"Hey, you ready to go?"


"Come on then. Dad and Shane are already in the car outside."

They started to walk out. Tracey suddenly asked,

"Where do you go everynight?"

Nitara got perplexed, she has no idea what should she tell her.

May be she should tell her the truth. She is her only friend afterall. After deciding on telling her she told her everything.

"I will tell you when we reach the location we are going for fishing."

With that they both walked towards the car waiting and got in.

"Hey dad! This is my friend Nitara i was telling you about." Tracey said pointing towards here.

"Hey kids. I do hear a lot about you Nitara. Its nice to meet you in person"

"Hi Mr. Evans. Its nice to meet you too."

"Please call me john."

"Alright John."

Then he started the car and they took off towards the river. The whole car ride was filled with chatter and Evans siblings' banter. Seeing them Nitara missed her own brothers and put a reminder in her mind to call them later.

They reached the river bank and John parked nearby. The sight was memerizing. The two guys set their equipments for fishing. Tracey excused her and Nitara to go for a walk. After they were out of the hearing range.

"Ok, now talk."

Nitara then told her everything.

How Liam rejected her.

Why she moved from her former pack.

How there is nothing going on with Tasha and Gabriel.

How Gabriel is the sweetest guy and makes her so happy.

Tracey was surprised about hearing all these things about her future Alpha. Everybody thought him as a cold-hearted person. The description Nitara was telling her did not match with the person that everybody knew.

"So, now you are going to be our future Luna?"

"Umm no, we haven't talked about that. Its very new right now. We are taking it slow."

"Oh.. so you haven't done the deed yet?"

Nitara's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What deed?"

"You know the hankie pankie stuff..." Tracey's voice trailed off.

Nitara's eyes widened as she understood what her friend was insinuating and her cheeks reddened.

"No. No, god no. We haven't."

Tracey laughed at her friend's embarrasment.

"Tracey, you are the only person who knows. Don't tell anybody yet."

"Of course. This is what friends are for."

Tracey draped a hand on her shoulder and steered her back to the river banks. The day passed just like that.

Bantering and teasing.

They were back at the pack after the sun has gone down. It was around 9 that Nitara reached the clearing. She wasn't sure that Gabriel would be there, afterall she was an hour late.

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