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High key inspired by Youngjae's A short film.

Title:Ice cream

    You and Youngjae entered the ice cream shop for a 'friendly' date because he had something important to tell you.

You quickly ordered your favorite flavor of ice cream and Youngjae ordered a vanilla ice cream.

You went to pay for the ice creams when Youngjae took out his wallet and said "It's my treat, I'm the one who asked you out".You didn't even bother to argue because you knew that in the end he would still end up paying.

You guys sat at a table in the very end of the shop that had a beautiful view of the park.

You were just staring at the bench near the tree when a couple sat on it.

I hope Youngjae and I turn out like them.

What am I thinking? He doesn't like me.

"Yah,what's wrong with you?I didn't pay for the ice cream for it to melt."Youngjae sassed.

"I was just thinking."

"Of me?" Youngjae winked.

How'd you know?

"YAH!"You slapped his forehead lightly "O-of course not."You lied.

"You want to taste my ice cream?" You asked quickly changing the subject.

"Sure." You took a scoop of ice cream and put it in his mouth. "What do you think?Delicous right?" You said while grinning.

Youngjae, however did not like the flavor, but didn't have the heart to tell you, so he just said "It's so delicous." He smiles and nervously laughs.

"You don't have to pretend you like it Youngjae." You said giggling. "I won't get mad." "What did you want to tell me by the way?"You asked.


"Youngjae, speak slowly..."

"I like you a lot, so will you go out with me?"

"I like you too and of course I'll go out with you." You said happily jumping up and down in your seat.

"Jagi...Calm down."Youngjae whispered.

"J-Jagi?" You stuttered.

"Yes ,You're my Jagi now."He grinned.



I am too cringy for this world so please put me out of my misery.

 I am too cringy for this world so please put me out of my misery

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