Youngjae; Something more

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This was requested by: @333cyj333_sunshine 💚🐥

🏷Name of the character is Naeun (because once again I'm not really fond of the whole 'Y/N situation)

🔳 Angst with a fluff ending.


  You and Youngjae have always been best friends. You did everything together, told each other secrets. You guys could never be separated... until college. You met your current boyfriend and you started to talk less and less, before you knew it, you guys were worse than strangers.


  What you didn't know was that, Youngjae always wanted something more.

•   •   •

  You were just about to meet up with your boyfriend in the cafeteria when you bumped into Youngjae.

  The man you have trusted your whole life. The one you would take a bullet for. Who lately, hasn't even been looking your way.

"I'm really sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going and—" the man began to ramble while looking down.

"Youngjae." You spoke softly. He looked up through his lashes and your heart dropped. He looked at you as if you were a stranger.

"Youngjae.." you said. "We need to talk." You were planning to ask him why he was avoiding you.

   The said man just ignored you and continued to walk away. You planned to run after him when a hand held your wrist down, stopping you from doing so.

"Let go. I need to run after him." You told your boyfriend.

"Can't you tell? he doesn't want to be near you anymore!" He said loudly. Your eyes widened, he has never acted like this before.

   You tried to tug on your wrist so he would let go, but his grip only tightened, enough to leave a bruise that would last a couple of days.

  Soojung, your boyfriend, has always been a bit on the aggressive side —but he hasn't hurt you, until now. Sometimes he scares you because he tends to shout at you a lot —but you've learned to accept it because you love him, or so you thought.

'You have to accept the flaws of the person you love.' You always thought to yourself when your boyfriend would walk out during an argument.

'If only Youngjae was here. I would be able to let my heart out." You thought.

"Come on, let's go home." He said interrupting your thoughts.

"But we still have classe—" you started.

"We are going home." He said sternly while glaring at you. You only nodded in response.

•   •   •

  When you guys got to your apartment, he would sometimes stay at. Soojung slammed the door behind him, making you jump.

"Why were you talking to the pup?" He asked, referring to Youngjae. You couldn't just stand there and watch him insult your best friend, even if you were currently not on speaking terms.

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