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Most might think that this is a bit out of character for Jaebum but a huge part of me believes (knows) that JB is a big softie. :))))

I don't know why I think Jb would have a woody smell -but I 'think' it's because he gives me a 'manly guy is good at chopping wood' vibe.



Jaebum never striked you as someone who loves to cuddle. He seemed more like the type to break your arm if you tried to. It was safe to say he was different from what you imagined he would be like.
He never failed to surprise you.

•    •    •

     You woke up to the sun glaring at you. You sighed knowing that it was time to get up, you looked to your side to find Jaebum laying right beside you, sleeping peacefully with a hand wrapped protectively around your body.

      'He looks so angelic' you thought and stared at him for a couple more seconds before you deciding it was time to get ready.

      You were just about to pull Jaebum's arm away from you when his hold tightened making it nearly impossible to get out from his grip.

'This won't do.' You struggled to get out of his grip.
"Jaebum-ah. As much as I would love to cuddle, we have to get up." He started opening his eyes giving you hope that he would finally get up and let you get ready.

"Don't go. I want to cuddle some more." He mumbled while putting his face in the crook of your neck.

"Come on. We have to get ready" you stressed. Don't get me wrong. You loved to cuddle with your boyfriend -in fact, it was your favorite past time. Today was just not the day for it. You needed to get up before both of you become late.

A great idea suddenly came into mind.

"Jaebum~" you started. "No. Stay in bed." he said sternly, knowing you were gonna suggest that you two cuddle later instead. "We are both gonna be late."

"Who cares? Just stay in bed and let's cuddle." He said leaning even closer to your body than you thought was possible. "Jaebum..." you began to stand up only to be pulled back down into the bed.

"Just call in sick." He said. "Yah! You idiot. You can't just do that without an excuse."

"You do have an excuse. Your super hot boyfriend wants to cuddle that's why you can't go to work." He said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

   You huffed beginning to give up. You looked at the ceiling, thinking if you should actually consider calling in sick. You haven't been able to spend time with your boyfriend so a part of you felt bad and wanted to stay.

Should I stay?

You looked to your side to find Jaebum already looking at you.

"Please." He begged using his best puppy eyes while pouting cutely.


   He grinned and tackled you, putting all his body weight on you making you groan. "Get off me, you pig!" He quickly got off -but put his arms around you pulling you into his well built chest. You inhaled his woody scent while he buried his face in your neck —doing the same.

I guess staying in bed wouldn't be so bad.

You just decided to enjoy his warmth


Lmao I don't know why I like this one shot so much.

            Totally irrelevant but someone slap me with a slipper -the news about the 3 SM Rookies announced is getting me shook rn, like  if they are gonna be members of nct I am more than willing to accept more children, but xiaojun better get tf away from me I am trying to be loyal to one Jun but it's impossible not to love him (boi composes and can play guitar and piano (probs even more)). I am happy to say that if they were to join nct our baby Jisung is safe from being called hyung bc they are all older than him (YANGYANG MIGHT JOIN DREAM THO. SOMEONE HOLD MY WIG). I got to go now bc I srsly need to get used to calling hendery 'hendery'. They weren't even officially announced as nct members but I already feel protective over them.

       Watch SM just troll tf out of us and announce they are gonna make a new group they finna catch these slippers. We will all look like idiots :')))

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