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You and Mark made your way to the hospital and you couldn't help but notice the pregnant women waiting in line who were openly staring at your husband.

   'Don't they have their own husbands?' You thought to yourself slightly irritated by the attention Mark was getting.

You sat on a chair waiting for your name to be called out while Mark excused himself because a coworker called. You looked around. You never liked hospitals they just smelled weird to you and you hated how cold their chairs are against your clothes.

You waited for what felt like forever until a nurse went out from a room. "Mrs Tuan." she read from her clipboard and looked up. You and Mark immediately stood up and followed her.

You entered a door to see a very young man probably a year older than you sitting on a chair by his desk. "I didn't know he was this young...." You heard Mark mumble from your side. You nudged him and glared indicating him to shut up.

"Good morning." You said with a bright smile that looked way too happy for Mark's liking.

"Good morning to you too, Lets get right into the check-up."

He asked you to lay down while rubbing the jelly-like substance on your stomach.

After the check-up was done the doctor began to update you about the baby.

   "It seems that the baby is very healthy. I'm sure your baby will turn out as beautiful as it's mother."He smiled showing his perfectly straight teeth.

      Mark coughed uncomfortably because of this. "We went here to check if our baby was healthy not for you to flirt with my wife."emphasizing the word wife. He glared at the doctor and you just laughed awkwardly trying to ease the tension in the room.

     You sent Mark a 'now-is-not-the-time' look and smiled in the doctor's direction. "Thank you, We will be going now." You smiled one last time and shut the door behind you.


  Once you were out of the hospital you smacked Mark's head. "Yah! You idiot. Why were you so rude?" You began to fasten your pace so you can get into the car.

    "He was flirting with you." He said while he was trying to catch up. You finally reached the car and opened the door getting in on the passenger seat.

  "Whatever, hurry your ass! I'm hungry and I want pickles with ice cream." You shouted out the car window.



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