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The name of the character is Jihee

  You had no choice. This was the only way you could remain close to him without wanting more.
You knew it was selfish of you but you just couldn't help it.

  BamBam just recently broke up with his girlfriend for 5 years and he was devastated so on that day he called you, his best friend, and asked if you were busy. You having no social life whatsoever obviously didn't have plans, so you said no.

  You guys decided to meet up at his place where he vented out everything he felt.

  It hurt you to know that he was hurting but despite that  he still loved the girl. You knew he could do better but said nothing.


  A month has passed and he started drinking and you always had to accompany him to make sure he doesn't get in trouble.

  On your way out of the club he began to ask you questions you simply could not answer.

"Jihee-ah, Why doesn't she love me anymore?"He slurred.

"She probably has someone else." He scoffed and you just stayed silent, scared that he'd lash out on you if you told him your opinion. "Jihee-ah, answer me. Is there something wrong with me?" He asked while sobbing.

"B." You sighed. "There is nothing wrong with you." You said putting emphasis on 'nothing'. "There is something wrong with her".

"You're right, wanna date me instead?" He said grinning.

Your heart began racing.He didn't even know he had this effect on you. You knew he wasn't at the right state of mind when he said this but your heart still couldn't help but flutter.

"Come on B, let's get you home".


You got him home and paid the taxi. You grabbed his keys and opened the door then you gently laid BamBam on the couch when he pulled your wrist making you fall on top of him. His face centimeters away from yours.

"I love you".

He began leaning towards your lips.

Your heart skipped a beat.



  You knew you were just there for him to use and to throw away at his disposal, but you still stayed.

Why? Even you didn't know, All you knew was that.

Love makes you do stupid things

Vote if this made you depressed.😭🤧

Don't kill me please, I just felt like making a depressing one shot so...

Don't kill me please, I just felt like making a depressing one shot so

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Probably you to me rn ^

Lel. I felt depressed, so I was like why not make everyone else feel depressed too?

But srsly, this is depressing asf.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.💕


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