Jackson (ft.Jinyoung) ; Grocery Shopping

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Featuring Park Jinyoung.🔅

🏷 Name of the character is Park Jinhee

Type: One-shot


Jinyoung gave you and Jackson a list of things to buy in the grocery store and some money. Let's just say... leaving two childish adults in a mall with your money, isn't really the smartest thing for Jinyoung to do.


Jinyoung silently drove you and Jackson to the nearest mall and upon reaching your destination he said, "I have some errands to run so you children behave." He said emphasizing the word 'children' while looking through his bag.

"I'm older than you, you know." Jackson informed him.

"Not mentally you're not." Jinyoung replied. He pulled out a piece of paper from his bag and said, "Here's a list of things I need you to buy. Make sure you buy everything on it." He said while handing you the list and some cash.

Jinyoung drove off and you walked to the entrance. Jackson slowly following you from behind.

"Don't you want to spend Jinyoung's money?" He asked excitedly once you stopped walking to grab a cart.

You do admit, the thought was very tempting.

"No. I'd rather not get in trouble." You reasoned. You didn't know if you were trying to convince Jackson or yourself.

You pushed the cart towards an aisle and grabbed the items you needed.

'A rope, duct tape, and trash bags.'

Why would jinyoung need those? you asked yourself.

"It sounds like he's planning a murder to me." Jackson said looking at the list.

"Probably our murder once we spend all his money." He exclaimed while clapping like a seal.

Can't find anyone in this world who'd be happier about their death than Jackson.

Ignoring Jackson, you still grabbed the said items and put them in the cart. You looked at the next item on the list.

'Ice cream.'

Seems normal enough...

"Come on Jackson, we're going to the ice cream aisle." You told him but you received no response so you looked behind you to check what he was up to.

You spot him looking at a box of chocolates. As you approached he turned around sensing your presence.

"Can't we buy these?" Jackson said with his signature puppy eyes while holding the box of chocolates on his hand.

You look at the list Jinyoung gave and back at Jackson and his box of chocolates.

You heaved a sigh.


• • •

You can't believe you even agreed to this but you did so here you are at the cash register, ready to pay for all the items Jackson put in the cart.

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