ch 2. trivia

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i woke up the next morning feeling kind of sad, but it was the kind of feeling you get when you wake up after having an incredible day and you're upset because it's over.

it was Saturday and i had offered to go in on one of my days off, which was out of character. but i had been bribed with an extra two dollars an hour, so i wasn't complaining.

getting ready was hard and i had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't going to be another Friday night. it was Saturday morning. no performances, no alcohol, no hot dads with hidden talents.

just some kids struggling to decide what instrument they wanted to attempt.

when i arrived, i was greeted by a very grouchy and sleepy boss, who was waltzing around the store shouting orders at everyone.

i took my place in my own department, and sat behind the counter to begin trying to reassemble a broken clarinet, which wasn't exactly in my job description but i was doing my best to look busy.

"good morning, Katherine," Jen said as she approached me, setting her thermos of coffee down on the counter in front of me. "how are you? up and at 'em?"

"i'm fine," i said, struggling as i tried to jam two pieces of the instrument together. "you?"

"delightful," she said. she reached out to take the clarinet from me. "stop it, you'll break that."

i sighed.

"so, what'd you think of last night?" she asked. "any potential? did anyone stand out to you?"

"why are you asking me?"

she smirked. "just curious. plus, i know you like good music. i was just wondering if anyone in particular caught your attention."

"i dunno," i shrugged. i felt like she was prying, and i was trying not to act suspicious. "i mean, the guy with the ukulele was good."

"yeah?" she said. "he was great, and i could tell you thought so. he was the only act you got up to watch."

"he was the only one who came in the front door," i said.

"yeah," she said. "listen, Katherine. i know he's hot shit and all, but he's married. he's got a kid. so don't try anything stupid if he decides to come back."

"what?" i asked. "Jen, i just thought his music was good."

"mhmm," she hummed, taking a sip of her coffee. "we all think so."

"plus, how do you know?" i asked. "and why are you speaking for him?"

"i happen to be friends with his wife," she said, matter-of-factly. "Willow. so like i said, if he shows up again, he's off limits."

"okay," i said sarcastically. "whatever."

she gave me a wide smile. "great. thanks, Kat." she patted my hand reassuringly, and took off in the opposite direction.

i felt irritated. i had never been incredibly fond of Jen, but the fact that she thought i would ever go out of my way to try and interfere with a marriage was completely absurd.

it made me angry, and it was a feeling i couldn't shake.

he was off limits. i knew that.

but the fact that Jen seemed to think that any damage could be done to their marriage had me immensely curious.

was he faithful? was his wife faithful? were they having issues?

i wasn't really one who found any benefit or pleasure in snooping around other people's personal lives, so my curiosity ceased at that.

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