ch 9. truce

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this chapter contains smut.

Eddie held my legs tightly around his waist, my lips leaving warm kisses against his neck as he took me to my bedroom.

he'd come to his senses. he loved me.

and i'd missed the feeling of his hands, lips and skin against my own.

he laid me down, slowly, onto the bed, and pushed the hem of my dress up around my waist.

his lips pressed against my bare hip, and he looked up at me, resting his chin against his fist on the mattress beside me.

he smirked. i didn't have the patience to play whatever game he seemed to be playing.

i was frustrated. "what are you waiting for?" i asked. "fuck me already."

he raised an eyebrow at me, nudging my legs apart a bit further.


he kissed my inner thigh, biting the skin there gently. i inhaled sharply through my teeth. the muscles in my legs tensed.

"please..." i sighed.

he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my underwear, tugging them down around my ankles, and tossing them aside.


i huffed. "please, daddy. please."

his lips were suddenly against the warm flesh between my legs, his fingers digging into my hips.

i whimpered, my fingers working their way into his soft hair and tugging at it desperately as his tongue pressed into me, over and over.

my love. my Eddie.


my fingers traced lazily up and down Eddie's arm, my head resting on his chest. my room was pitch black and it was the nearly midnight.

"okay. i have a question," he said, breaking the silence.


"that guy you were with at the wedding," he said. "Ian, right?"

i sighed. "yeah. i guess we were kind of dating."

"oh," he said. "how's that going?"

"were dating," i said. "he left me there by myself tonight, i thought that was obvious."

"no," he said. he pulled me closer to him. "i'm sorry."

"i'm not," i said. "he was an ass."

"so he wasn't your boyfriend?"

i laughed bitterly. "more like a distraction."

he kissed my forehead.

"do you have to leave tonight?" i asked, wondering if he had to work.

"i can't stay here all night," he said. "i told Willow i'd be back before she woke up."

my heart sank.

"okay." i turned over, facing away from him. i turned the lamp on beside my bed.

"Kat..." he said, his voice suddenly laced with concern. "you know -"

"yeah, i know," i said. "i fucking know. just fucking leave."

i felt him turn to face me and he tried to put his arm around me, but i pushed it away, climbing from under the blankets and standing up beside the bed. i pulled my underwear back up around my hips and straightened out my dress.

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