ch 5. smithereens

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as soon as i shut my apartment door behind us, his lips were against mine, and his hands were clutching my hips, holding me against the back of the door. it wasn't passionate, and it wasn't heated like it was the weekend before - it was soft, it was needy, and it was loving.

i clutched the front of his jacket tightly with my fists and pulled away to take a breath.

"can you stay here with me tonight?" i asked, my voice hushed to a whisper, as i was almost sure his answer would be one i didn't want to hear.

he brushed my hair from my face gently, and his lips were gentle against my temple as he spoke.

"i wish i could," he said.

"why can't you?" i asked.

"you're going to hate this," he said, laughing softly. "but, i have to go to work tonight."

i scoffed. "call in."

he shook his head. "i wish i could."

i groaned. "what time do you go in?"


"that's not fair," i said.

"listen," he said. "i can't push it, i'm not really in the best place to lose my job while my rich wife is already angry with me."

i didn't know if he meant to be humorous, but i laughed anyway.

i looked up into his eyes again, and my knees almost gave out underneath me.

he was so unbelievably handsome, i couldn't stand it.

i kissed him again. "quite the situation you've gotten yourself into."


an hour later, Eddie was gripping my hand tightly and leading me into a mostly-empty bar.

he'd convinced me to stay up and keep him company throughout his shift, which was until four a.m.

there were a few people here and there, seated at tables and swaying drunkenly to the quiet music, but otherwise, it seemed almost dead for a Friday night.

he led me to the counter and had me sit on a barstool while he went back into a room that was labeled, "employees only." i felt awkward, and i leaned onto the counter in front of me, resting my cheek against my palm and sighing. my breath was shaky from crying not too long before.

Eddie stepped back out of the room, his jacket off, and he smirked at me, leaning his elbows on the counter and looking at me.

"cool job, dude," i said sarcastically.

"don't be too jealous," he said. "at least i'm my own boss here."

"that's not funny," i said, reaching out to punch him on the arm playfully. "my boss is a bitch."

"i'm sorry," he said. "that was inconsiderate."

i leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly. "i'm over it."

his eyes shifted from side to side, and i felt my cheeks get warm. "sorry."

"it's okay," he said. "just making sure there's no one here to tattle on me."

he kissed me quickly on the lips before turning to tend to some new customers, and i smiled, trying to hide my blush by looking down at my lap.

"hey, cutie," a deep voice slurred, and i turned to see an older man sitting down beside me. he looked as if he was older than Eddie by a few years, and he was practically twice Eddie's height.

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