ch 15. release

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this chapter contains mentions of child abuse.

Sophia ran out of her classroom door when she saw me. i knelt down, hugging her to me as her tiny self collided against my chest.

"um, hi." i looked up to see who i assumed was her teacher. i stood up, shaking her hand and taking Sophia's in my other. "is Mrs. Vedder not coming today?"

it was the first day back from a two-week break for the students, and it was my first time picking Sophia up. Eddie had called earlier in the day to give me permission to take her, and i had hoped her familiarity and comfort towards me would convince them enough to not raise unnecessary suspicion.

he'd known he had to stay late at work, and i offered, considering the two of them had been staying at my apartment together since Willow's arrest.

"no," i replied. "she's not. i'm Katherine, the school was notified that i had permission to take Sophia home."

the teacher raised her eyebrow at me, but smiled sweetly at Sophia. "yes, the office told me you'd be picking her up. and you know her, Soph?"

Sophia nodded reassuringly. "mommy got in trouble with the police so now we live with Kat."

i held back a laugh but her teacher looked startled at Sophia's words, and i spoke up before Sophia could continue.

"it's true, Willow got charged with..." i hesitated, lowering my voice. "child abuse, so Sophia and her dad have been staying with me. he has been working on trying to get custody of her."

the woman, still looking horrified, bent over to take Sophia in her arms, holding her tightly. "oh, Soph, i'm sorry sweetheart."

Sophia looked up at me in disgust and confusion, but i shrugged, and she hugged back even though it was evident she didn't want to. her mind, her attitude and her intelligence was well beyond her age, and it always felt like i was spending time with a tiny teenager when she was with me. it was so funny, though i hoped she was still able to enjoy being a child after all she'd been through.

she took ahold of my hand once the teacher let her go, and i sighed. "i'm not sure how often i'll be here to pick her up, but from now on you'll either see me or Eddie."

the woman nodded. "thank you. Soph is such a great kid, she deserves all the love and attention she can get."

i smiled, and tugged Sophia along to my car. i helped her get strapped into her car seat, and we were off towards my apartment.

the sight inside my small, cramped apartment was beginning to depress me. as Willow had been staying with my old bitchy boss Jen, we were trying to move all of Sophia and Eddie's things out as quickly as possible when we had time, and it was all accumulating in my living room, bedroom, and kitchen.

Willow had only been charged a fine for her minor offense, and she paid it, though it went as an unspoken agreement that Eddie would keep Sophia until the final custody decision had been made by the judge.

Sophia's bed frame was taken apart and leant up against the wall, and her mattress was on the floor in front of the couch. the couch was holding open boxes that contained all of her clothing. her toys, dolls and doll houses were either boxed up or strewn about the room, as well, and her small white desk and matching dresser were on either side of the TV stand.

it was cramped, and while i knew it was temporary while we tried to find a house, the time wasn't coming quickly enough, and i hated the clutter.

my bedroom, which was just a bit smaller than the living room, looked the same, only it was Eddie's things that were the mess.

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