ch 8. mia's wedding

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a little over a month went by.

and through an arch made of branches and wrapped in garlands of daisies and lilacs, we're led into a forest by scattered, red, magic carpet-looking rugs and logs on both sides of the path. in the near distance, behind some trees, there are lights strung around benches and tables, and the sun is lowering in the sky.

the air was cool, but not cold.

i was thankful. it was perfect weather for my best friend's wedding. and perfect weather for me to wear a dress.

Ian, my date for the evening, held my hand tightly in his, and though i'd been too timid to be too affectionate with him, his hand intertwined with mine was grounding and reassuring, and i felt content.

he'd dressed up but not too formally, wearing a white dress shirt and grey pants, and he looked so handsome - i felt lucky to be the one being seen with him.

we got to the small clearing in the trees and it was gorgeous. the lights were hanging from tree to tree around the perimeter of the area, and it was hard to believe they'd thrown it all together in a month.

we took our seats on the side that i presumed was Mia's family, and i bounced nervously in my seat, waiting for those around me to sit down so the ceremony could begin.

Ian squeezed my hand.

"are you okay?" he asked. "why are you so antsy?"

"anxiety," i said.

"but why?" he asked. "it's not your wedding."

i raised my eyebrow at him, and he smiled, jokingly.

"i don't know," i said. "it's just - "

"i know," he said, nodding with realization, and sighing. "you're worried Eddie was invited."

"no," i said, my eyes shifting away.

"yes," he said. "Kat, it's okay. i understand. but don't let it get to you."

i felt bad - we'd been talking for a month, and it felt like he was always so quick to realize that my feelings for Eddie were struggling to disappear.

the sky was darkening quickly, and soon everyone was sitting, and i glanced over to the opposite side of the benches.

i held my breath, and Eddie's eyes met mine.

he gave me a sad smile, but i looked away, and as the music began, we all stood to face Mia as she walked down the aisle.

her dress was almost just a plain white sundress, and she walked quickly, meeting Julien at the end of the path that led to the front of the venue.

it was short and sweet and beautiful, and was over almost as quickly as it had started. the bride and groom came out into the crowd to talk to their families and friends, and Mia pulled me into a tight hug, laughing tearfully.

"you look so beautiful," i said, pulling away to look her up and down. "so, so beautiful."

"thank you so much," she said through her choked up, broken voice. "you do too, holy shit."

i chuckled, and Ian slid his arm around my shoulders. "yeah she is," he said. "i'm pretty lucky."

Mia raises her eyebrow at me, smirking, and my face got hot.

i glanced towards where Eddie and Willow were talking to another couple, and his expression was bright as he spoke cheerfully along with them.

it irritated me how carefree he seemed.

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