ch 7. nice guy

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Monday morning, i was up bright and early to start my first day at my new job.

i was lucky enough that i had my connections, because Stone said that if i hadn't gotten the job thanks to him, they would've called Jen as a reference, and god knows that wouldn't have gone well at all.

i showed up on time and was led to a desk at the front of the building where they told me i was to answer calls, check emails and schedule appointments and meetings. it seemed simple enough, and i was getting paid more than i made at the music store, so i was incredibly excited to start.

the phone rang every so often and when i wasn't busy, i could watch shows on my phone or scroll through my social media. everything about it was already so much better than my previous job, except for the fact that i didn't get to work with Mia, and i didn't get to see Eddie perform almost every Friday.

"good morning," i heard, and i looked up to see Stone standing in front of my desk.

"hi," i said. "good morning."

"how is everything so far?" he asked. "easy? boring?"

"it's alright," i said. "thank you, again."

he smiled. "don't mention it. i know you were going through a lot of shit at your last job and it wasn't your fault at all."

i shrugged. "well, i really appreciate it."

he sighed. "have you talked to Eddie lately?"

i shook my head. "no," i lied.

"he told me that Willow wants to move," Stone said.

"move?" i asked. "where?"

"Illinois," Stone said. i raised my eyebrow at him.

"why?" i asked.

"i don't know," he said. "probably all of the drama, that would be my guess. but she's got a career here, i don't know what she's thinking."

i sighed, feeling frustrated. Stone patted my shoulder, and walked off, leaving me to stare at my computer screen.


two weeks went by. two weeks, i didn't hear from Eddie. i didn't try to contact him; i waited patiently for him to call me.

but he didn't.

i ended my second full week of my new job, and that Friday night, Mia told me she wasn't working, and she wanted me to go out for drinks with her and Julien.

i got to the shitty little bar that we'd played trivia at the first time i ever hung out with Eddie, and i cringed at the memory.

Mia waved me over to the table they were seated at, and i hesitantly made my way towards them, skeptical as i realized there was a third person with them.

it wasn't Eddie and it wasn't Stone.

it was a younger-looking guy, and he smiled at me sheepishly, reaching to pull the chair out beside him for me.

"uh, thanks," i said, sitting down beside him.

"hey, Kat," Julien said. "this is Ian. Ian, this is Kat."

"hello," the stranger said, shaking my hand. his grasp on my hand was firm, and his hand was soft. he squeezed my gently.

"hi," i said. "nice to meet you?"

"he and i have classes together," Julien said. "i thought maybe you guys would get along."

i looked at Mia, who smirked half-heartedly, as if apologizing for putting me in the awkward situation.

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