ch 12. long nights

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i added a song to this chapter - if you'd like to play it when Eddie performs it in the chapter, there will be a note like this when you're supposed to start it :)

the sky was a golden orange, and the air was comfortably cool as i watched Eddie unlock the front door to the bar.

it was his final weekend shift before he began working with Stone and i, and the two of us offered to come keep him company for the entirety of it.

we stepped inside and he flipped the sign on the door to the 'open' side, before turning on the lights.

he usually started his shifts later in the evening, but tonight he'd wanted to work the entirety of the night shift until closing.

i took my seat on a barstool at the counter, and he stepped behind it, a barrier that separated us, customer and employee. he turned on a radio, and music started to play over the speakers on the wall.

the cash register slid open, and he began shuffling through dollar bills to start the drawer for the evening.

i rested my chin on my fist. "i'm already bored."

"ha, ha," he laughed sarcastically, not looking up. "now be quiet, don't you know it's rude to interrupt while someone's counting money?"

i smirked, watching him silently.

the bell above the door jingled and i turned to see Stone, waving at me and walking towards the counter.

Eddie closed the drawer, smiling at him. "nice of you to finally join us."

"oh, i'm sorry i'm so late." Stone sat beside me, rolling his eyes playfully. "didn't want to distract you from the huge crowd."

Eddie looked out into the empty room, shaking his head. "it'll fill up quick in here, just watch."

as if on cue, a couple walked in, and Eddie nodded at us as if to say, 'i told you so,' before going to the opposite side of the counter to tend to them. i turned to Stone.

"i wish Eddie could drink with us."

"wouldn't be very professional," Stone laughed. "especially in front of two of his future coworkers." it took me a moment to realize he meant the two of us, and i giggled.

"what, um...what exactly is going to be Eddie's job?"

he sighed. "basically, he's going to work alongside me, which is great except he has a different job title, meaning he's going to be paid more than me." he shrugged. "and we're both going to be in charge of you, since you're our receptionist, no pressure."

i laughed. "you don't even make me do shit as it is."

"yeah." he smiled. "your job's pretty much a joke, but don't tell anyone."

"i'm thankful for it."

Eddie gave the couple their drinks, and came back to our seats. "are you guys gonna have anything?"

i looked at Stone, who shook his head, and then back to Eddie.

"sure. surprise me."

he turned around to take a glass from the shelf behind him, and filled it up with water from the sink.

he set it down in front of me. "drink up."

i pouted. "really?"

"yeah," he said, nudging it towards me. "it's good for you."

i squinted at him but he just grinned, and i lifted it to my lips hesitantly.

Stone was sitting sideways, facing me, his elbow rested on the counter, and he gestured behind me. "does that ever get used?"

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