ch 13. sleepover

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one of the double glass doors opened, and i looked up, holding the phone between my cheek and my shoulder, to see Eddie stood in front of my desk in the lobby.

he smiled at me, dressed in a dark grey suit with a white button-up underneath. i was taken aback - he looked so classy and handsome, i suddenly felt insecure in how lazily i put myself together for work. i had to dress nicely, of course, but i still managed to look like i rolled out of bed in my work clothes.

it had been a good while and though most of his belongings were still at his house, he'd been spending most of his nights with me. he'd paid a majority of my rent and utilities for me as a 'thank you,' and though i loved having him with me every night as it was, it was incredibly thoughtful of him. their divorce was going pretty quickly. he'd had a bit of time before he was to officially start working with us, and it was so, so perfect getting to spend my time with him when he wasn't visiting Sophia.

"please hold." i spoke softly into the receiver, hanging up quickly as he stepped towards me.

he approached the counter that was between us. "good morning."

"good morning, Mr. Vedder," i said cheekily, still eyeing his shirt and jacket. he'd opted to not wear a tie, and i couldn't imagine that it would've suited him any better than going without. it was...sexier.

"do i look nervous?" he asked. "because i am."

"really?" i laughed. "you seem so relaxed, i'd think you're being cocky."

"well, shit." he chuckled. "guess i can't win."

Stone approached us, and compared to Eddie and i, he was dressed much more casually, which was fitting considering he wasn't held to the same standards of professionalism. i only had to look nice because i was where the people came in and out.

"morning," he smiled at Eddie. he gestured back to the hall he'd come from. "you ready?"

Eddie nodded. "yeah, just give me a minute. i've gotta talk to you both."

i raised my eyebrow, but Stone rested his elbow on the counter. "sure, what's going on?"

"i'm gonna have to take a personal day tomorrow."

Stone chuckled. "on your second day?" Eddie shrugged sheepishly.

"yeah." he sighed. "i'm sorry. the custody hearing's tomorrow."

my eyes widened. "fuck."

"i know." he frowned. "Willow's going to make so many arguments against me, i don't know how i'm going to convince them that i deserve full custody."

"well," Stone said. "i'm sure they won't take away a full personal day for that. that's something you have to do."

"who's watching Sophia?" i asked.

Eddie smiled weakly. "well...i was going to ask if you would."

"but i'll be here -"

"same goes for you." Stone mumbled. "i'm certainly not going to write you up for anything, excuse me for playing favorites."

i laughed. "i mean, i guess i could stay home. if that's okay with the two of you, since you're in charge of me."

they looked at one another, then back to me.

"fine with us." Eddie spoke for them both. "i'll bring Sophia over tonight, and just leave her with you in the morning when i head out."

he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"no PDAs, now get to work," Stone joked, and they left me to it.


that evening, i sat on the couch and waited anxiously for Eddie and Sophia to arrive. i felt inadequate, there wasn't much room for her to be able to play or entertain herself in my small apartment, and the only place to sleep besides my bed was the couch.

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