ch 1o. stone

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Stone cleared his throat to get my attention. i jumped, startled, and looked up to him where he stood in front of my reception counter.

"sorry," i said, setting down my phone. "not much for me to do today."

"i know," he said. "Ed just called and asked if we wanted to meet him for lunch. wanna come?"


Eddie hadn't talked to me in days, and at this point was numb to it. i'd assumed that he'd decided he wanted to work things out with Willow, as always, and i decided not to let myself fret over it.

he was too conflicted, and once again i found myself validating his decisions by reminding myself of the well-being of his daughter.

and i decided only he knew what was best for her. if that meant we couldn't be together, then i'd just get used to it.

"yeah," Stone smiled. "c'mon, i'll drive."

i hadn't anticipating doing anything but going to work, and i felt insecure over my lack of makeup and lazily thrown-together outfit.

we drove through town until we got to a small diner that didn't seem too busy, and Eddie approached us as we got out of the car.

i remained beside Stone, stuffing my hands into my pockets. it was weird, facing him when i had no idea what i was to him.

i was taken aback when he put his hand against my arm and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"it's good to see you guys," he smiled.

"you too," Stone said. Eddie held the door open for us, and we all sat down together at a table. i was thankful it was a small one with chairs instead of a booth, and the decision of who i'd have to sit by was one i didn't have to make.

we ordered our food, and sat in an awkward silence.

"where've you been?" Stone finally asked. "what's going on?"

Eddie sighed, shaking his head and looking up to the ceiling in what seemed like pure exasperation. he laughed tiredly. i rested my cheek on my hand, and raised my eyebrow, waiting to hear what explanation he had.

"everything's been chaotic," he said. "but god, i'm so tired of bothering everyone with the... drama."

"you're not." Stone shook his head. "look, i know you, i know the situation. i don't believe you're in the wrong at all, trust me."

Eddie smiled.

"but," Stone continued. "you're putting Kat in such a bad place."

i shook my head. "don't bring me into this -"

"no," Stone cut me off. "i'm glad we're all here together so i can talk some sense into you. so listen to me, both of you." he made sure we were both looking at him intently before he spoke again.

"Ed, even in the midst of this disaster you call your marriage, i haven't ever seen you so happy and full of life like i have in the time you've known Kat. it's been said over and over again, but your relationship with Willow is toxic. it's broken. it's irreparable."

i looked towards Eddie, and his eyes were glistening with tears, but he was smiling so sadly.

"children can thrive even if their parents aren't together," Stone said. "you know that. i know the idea of not being able to see her every day upsets you, but i also know that you know she can't be in a household with two parents who don't truly get along."

he reached out and put his hand on Eddie's arm. "it's not my place to tell you what to do, but i can tell you what i think needs to happen. you told me how much you love Kat. i haven't seen that love between you and Willow in years."

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