ch 6. my kind of woman

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this chapter contains smut/daddy kink
(i'm sorry for not warning you before now.)

the next morning, i woke up with Eddie in bed beside me. he was still asleep, and the clock said that it was much earlier than i'd expected to wake up.

i reached out and softly traced my fingers down his cheekbone, to his chin, watching his face intently as he breathed softly.

ignoring the fact that he was lying to his wife, i felt so lucky, and so incredibly happy to be able to wake up beside him like this.

he remained asleep, and i climbed out of bed, stepping into the bathroom.

i stared into the mirror, still in my outfit from the night before. i looked terrible, exhausted, and gross.

i turned on the sink and brushed my teeth, and attempted to wash the makeup off of my face before finally deciding i wanted to take a shower.

i grabbed the hem of my dress, and pulled it over my head, tossing it aside and glancing at myself in the mirror in my bra and panties before going to shut the door.

i gasped, my hand flying to my chest when i turned and saw Eddie leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest.

"jesus, god."

"shit, sorry," he said, smirking. "i didn't mean to scare you."

i reached out quickly and grabbed a towel, holding it to my chest to cover myself.

"stop," i whined, my face increasingly getting warmer and warmer. i felt so vulnerable and insecure in the light of the bathroom, half-naked in front of him.

"you're the one who left the door open," he said, stepping towards me.

"i didn't think you'd wake up before i got in the shower," i replied. "Eddie, please don't."

he shook his head, his hands grasping my cheeks gently. "you're beautiful."

i huffed against his lips, kissing him back in frustration. he pulled away, lifting his hands away from me and backing away.

"i'm sorry," he said. "i didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

i dropped the towel to the floor, reaching out to grab him and pull him down to kiss me again.

i felt him smile against my lips, and his hands went to my bare waist, his warm hands burning against my skin.

he led me back into my bedroom, where the white walls and curtains were bright with the rising sunlight, and my self-consciousness came back quickly, feeling so exposed in the daylight.

we climbed onto my bed and i pulled him on top of me, his face hovering inches over mine and my hands gripping his shirt.

i looked up at him, and he was smiling down at me.

"are you okay?" he asked quietly, and my eyes left his gaze.

"i'm just...nervous." my throat felt dry.


i nodded.

"if you don't mind me asking," he said. "have you ever...have you ever done anything with anyone before?"

i sighed. "yeah," i said. "but never with anyone i liked so much."

before he could reply, i spoke again. "and never with anyone older than my dad."

he rolled his eyes, jokingly, causing me to laugh.

"really, though," he asked, his voice suddenly laced with concern. "are you okay with this? or is that truly a problem?"

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