Chapter 1 - Loneliness is a privilege

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I shook my head and got up. I was late. I had to be at my best friend's house in five minutes and I wasn't even ready.

Max, Cleo and I were all seniors in high school. I knew them all my life as our parents were close friends before we were even born, so we grew up together. The twins had an older brother, Damien, who finally came back after spending six years in Italy, getting his master's degree in architecture. He was coming back permanently this time, to take a position in his father's company, so we threw him a "welcome-back" party.

A music tone blending out from the music that I was listening so far, got my attention. My phone, as I realized, was ringing from somewhere in the room.

"Hey," I breathed as soon as I located it near the window.

"Dude! Where are you?" Max was screaming in my ear.

"I'm a lady! I need my time!" I said with a fake smirk, trying to put on my skinny jeans.

"Yeah, now you remembered," he mocked. I missed the next thing he said as I put on a purple top and my black long vest. "DUUUUUDEE" I heard him scream through the speaker.

"Jeez, I'm trying to get dressed!"

"Need help?" I could almost hear him grinning. He lately picked up the habit of trying to flirt with me due to his lack of girlfriends. Too much unspent energy I suppose.

"Ew Max. Shut up," I said and hang up the phone.

I examined myself in the mirror; my long dark brown hair were natural wavy and easy to handle so I didn't bother to do anything with them. I was feeling anxious. I wore my chucks but took my black high heels with me.

I took a last glance at myself at the mirror and decided that I was looking pretty good. It's been two years after all. I was sixteen when he last saw me and now I'm a full grown woman; a curvy one to be exact. I am 5 ft 7 and my weight was normal.

Whatever; it's not like am trying to impress anybody.

Yeah right.


My birthday wasn't till late July but my parents already got me my present; a grey old WV beetle, which I loved.

I parked my car beside Damien's white BMW M3 in the garage and walked my way into the house through the garage interior door. I breathed, trying to stay calm.

"Dude, it took you a week to get here!!" Max attacked me before I even manage to get into the kitchen.

"If you didn't harass me on the phone, I would have been ready earlier. What do you want anyway?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"I was just asking if you needed any help!" he said innocently "Cleo needs help with the cakes," he moved out of my way to let me into the kitchen and continued "And guess who's going to help," he grinned. I rolled my eyes.

That same moment, Damien walked through the door. I haven't seen him in two years. He was spending all his vocations traveling all over the world. I envied him for that.

I looked at him and my stomach dropped. I knew the feeling. I knew it too well.

And I did what I knew best; I ignored it.

My memory never did him justice though. He was almost 6 ft 5, his dark brown hair was cut short but his amazing grey eyes were the same; making me dizzy since I could remember myself.

He was wearing black pants and a navy blue untidy shirt. I smiled. I put my heels on the ground and walked towards him.

"Welcome back!" I said and stood on my tiptoes. I put my hand lightly on his shoulder and kissed him on both cheeks.

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