Chapter 26 - I'm so sad I made the angels cry

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I woke up at eleven in the morning, had breakfast and left for home. The drive back was easier, mostly because I was so excited to see Damien after three days.

I was planning on going home, do laundry and find Cleo. I wanted to try and talk to her one more time. We were best friends since we were babies, her opinion meant the world to me and I wanted to be clear about that; even if she haven't contacted me at all since I left town.

As soon as I arrived I went towards my parents kitchen; not even bothering going into my garage.

"Hello," I greeted my mom as I entered the kitchen from the back door.

"Welcome home baby," mom replied "How are you?"

"Fine, you?" I smiled and left my bag on the floor.

"Got dirty clothes?"

"Yup," I grinned "Why aren't you at the office?"

"Have to visit a client in a bit," she explained and narrowed her eyes when she noticed I was smiling at her. "Don't look at me like that, do laundry yourself."

"Fine," I groaned and I retrieved my bag before walking towards her. I kissed her cheek as I passed her by and exited the kitchen. I turned right and entered the laundry room. I left the bag on the ground once again and took my mobile out of my back pocket. I dialed Damien's number and put it on speaker phone. His phone was disconnected. I put the phone back into my pocket thinking he must be at work.

After putting all my clothes into the washing machine I sat in the kitchen with my mom until she left for work. I tried calling Damien again and like earlier his phone was disconnected. I sat into my parent's living room to watch some television, though I should probably be into my garage and try and study.

I dialed Max's number and put the phone on speaker. It took three rings before he picked up.

"Hey," he breathed, sounding weird.

"Hello to you too," I frowned a little bit "Are you okay?" I asked referring to his weird greeting.

"I'm okay, how are you?" he asked, still sounding weird.

"Fine," I replied "Where are you? I'm home!" I smiled. He didn't reply for a moment.

"Fuck," he mumbled "Dude, I'm gonna have to call you back," he said; the word rushing out of his mouth.

"Okay, don't be late because I'm so bored!" I replied and hung up. I wanted to call Cleo but something stopped me. So I texted her instead. "I'm back home, if you want a coffee." I remained on that couch until three o'clock in the afternoon when Max finally called me.

"Hey, " he breathed "Offer still stands?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied "Come over!"

Max turned up soon afterwards. He said Cleo was trying to finish a project that she working on since I left. She was trying to keep herself occupied as I understood.

He told me she had a date with Mike two nights ago and that she looked very optimistic. It looked like Max was trying to avoid mentioning Damien, so I left it at that, doing the very same thing but not really understanding the reason.

About an hour later, that I still haven't heard from Damien, my mom returned home. I refused to cook for myself because I was cooking the whole time I was living with James, so her arrival made me extra happy.

I was sitting with Max in the kitchen sofa playing cards until the food was ready. Thankfully mom had prepared the meat and now I only had to wait half an hour until it was grilled. At some point I heard mom talking on the phone, telling someone to bring a soda for us. A while later Evita, the twin's mother, walked through the kitchen door.

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