Chapter seventeen~

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Baby, I'm a drug, you're addicted to my love

"Frank?" A small tired voice called from beside Frank.

He yawned looking to the clock on his night stand that read "8:49"

"Hey, baby boy." Frank said reaching over to hug Gee but he wasn't in bed.

Gerard was standing near the edge of the bed. His eyes were red so Frank knew that he had been crying.
Frank quickly got up out of the bed and rushed over to Gee.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Frank asked running his thumbs across Gee's flushed, tear stained face.

"I-I'm not-" Gerard started to stutter. He never wanted Frank to worry about him. He had already got what he wanted- needed -and that was Frank himself. Not as a Freind or a shoulder to cry on. For Frank to own his fragile heart, and Gerard to own his. He never wanted to chase Frank off with his petty fears.

"Gee," Frank sighed sitting down on the bed and bringing gerard down with him onto his lap. "Please, love- my love. I need you to understand that when I ask you whats the matter I mean it full fucking heartedly. I care about you so much that I can barely express it. Please tell my what has you upset." Frank begged.

Gersrd was almost brought to tears yet again. No one had ever showed they cared like Mikey. Mikey was always there for him. He even brought two more special people into his life that would also give the world for him. But Frank was special and he found him sll by himself.

"Gee. . . please" gerard was snapped out of his thoughts by a broken and saddened voice.

He looked over to his love to see him with fresh tears just begining to fall and a quivering lip. He was looking up to Gerard like he was his last breath. Desperation painted delicately over his usually care free expression. Honesly Gerard was shocked. Frank had always been such a strong almost father-like figure in his life, so seeing him cry was definitely new and weird for him.

"Frank you're- no please don't cry." Gerard pleaded. He needed someone to stay strong right now.

"I-I'm not crying." Frank said it like the word was disgusting. Like he wasn't capable of crying. "I just need you to tell me what's wrong. . . You don't talk to me, Gee." He sighed. His tears were gone now and his voice was getting it's normal, slightly squeaky tone back.

"I'm so sorry. I always fuck stuff up." Gerard said wrapping his arms tighter around himself. He truly felt useless. He had brought Frank to tears by being so careless and dumb.

"No you don't, baby my life has never been better. Im so fucking thankful that I can call you mine. It's just- you're distant." Frank said. He looked up to see Gerards reaction.

He didn't look confused at all. In fact he completely understood what Frank was talking about. He was distant he just didn't want to drag Frank down with his mess of a life. Frank walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him. He placed a kiss to Gerard's temple hoping to make him feel better even a little.

"You're so far. . ." Frank said barely above a whisper. "Please come back to me."

Gerard closed his eyes soaking in whar Frank was saying to him. He hated making others sad. Being sad fucking sucked. He knew from experience.

"Frank I'm scared." Gerard finally said after a long period of silence that made Frank feel uneasy.

"Scared? Scared of what?"

Gerard chucked. "Everything."

Frank had that desperate look again. He needed more. He needed to know why his boyfriend was up crying when he should be sleeping next to him. Gerard caught on and sat down, ready to elaborate.

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