Chapter Eighteen~

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Proud of you, proud of you
Go 'head girl, make daddy proud of you
Spending his money
Proud of you, proud of you
Go shawty, make daddy proud of you
Spending his money

tw: sexual assault

It was sunday. Gerard hatted sundays. There was always a possibly that he and Mikey would be dragged to church. Gerard doubted that his father qas religious, though they did pray evey night and before every meal. He just couldn't see his father actually beliving in some magic man in the sky when he could do the most cruel things to his own blood. Gerard was brought up religious by his grandmother but after her passing and the start of the abuse when he was four God never made too much sense.

It was seven a.m. and he was awake. He definitely didn't feel like getting up. He stayed like that for twenty more minutes. Not alseep, but his eyes were closed so if anyone came in they'd think he was.

"Gee?" A voice called. Gerard stiffened until he realized it was Dallon.

He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at him.

"Good morning Gee." He said. His voice was raspy and deep from sleep. He cleared his throat when he noticed.

"Good morning." Gee replied quietly. He sat up out of his bed and rubbed his eyes.

"I-I like your night gown. It's pretty." Dallon commented, his natural soft voice coming back.

Gerard blushed and looked down at the gown he was wearing. His Father had bought it for him back before hr stoped wearing skirts. Frank brought those old habits back. Gerard felt happier when he wore his skirts. He also felt better with Frank.

"Thank you, Dall." He smiled.

"We've got church today. Are you going?" He asked.

Gerard tried his hardest not to laugh, but he failed. Dallon was pretty much blind to what happened in the house even though he was living in it. Gerard didn't have a choice. He never had choices.

"I don't have a choice, silly." he giggled.

Dallon stood confused.

"Well what if you're not religious?"

"I am. . . Or at least thats what I have to be."

"Um, I don't get it." Dallon said blushing.

"When we go out to church people see us. People take pictures, some might end up in the papper, it all just looks nice. The perfect Way family." Gerard mimics.

"Oh." Dallon said. "Well you should get dressed. We leave soon." He had alot more to say and alpt more opinions but he was much to shy to say them. He'd probably just whisper-yell them to himself later tonight.

Gerard nodded and waled Dallon to his door and closed it when he was out.

Gerard alwsys had a church outfit picked out just incase he had to go. He had chosen a simple pink dress with white frills. It had a bow around the waist that tied around the back. The one thing Gerard hated was the fact that he couldnt tie the bow on his own. He got dressed and left the bow untied.

Gerard contemplated putting on make up but decided against it in the end. He went for a simple light pink gloss that went well with his dress.

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