Twenty six~

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How many ways can I say that I need you baby, it's true
I think I might die without you

Gerard had stopped crying now completely and Mikey was rightfully worried. He never voiced his worries though because Gerard seemed okay and that didn't happen too often.
Mikey was also worried about why his father hadn't come back upstairs yet.

"Where is daddy?" Gerard asked.

"Read my mind." Mikey replied

There was the sound of the door opening about five minutes ago and now they were both sure their dad was no longer in the house. They sat enjoying silence other than their breathing that had now calmed.
The door was opened again and footsteps were heard coming into the house. Then there was some brief talking then more movement.

"M-Mikey, who's he talking to?" Gerard asked shakily tugging at his brothers sleeve.

Mikey didn't answer he just moved Gerard to the floor next to them and walked down stairs. Gerard watched as he disappeared around the corner withought a word. Gerard sighed standing up and going to his bathroom to wash off his red face. He noticed more talking downstairs and he guessed that Mikey was now talking with whoever was downstairs.

After cleaning himself up he went to sit down on his bed, wincing as he did so because of the stinging on his bottom. He let out a whimper as he tried to sit atleast semi-comfortably.

"Yeah hes right upstairs, he's feeling down he'd probably be very glad to see you." He heard his father say.

There was more footseps coming up and Gerard ached with anticipation.

"Hello, Gee."

Bert stood there with a sickening grin and hair as greasy as always. Gerards breath quicked as he backed up to his headboard.

Bert snorted. "Stop trying to hide, if I wanted you I could have you." He said walking around Gerard's room.

Bert looked over to Gerard who looked absolutely terrified just by his presence. He chewedhis lip as he stared at all the little teddy bears on Gerard's shelves. They were all so sweet and soft. Delicate. Just like the boy he was sure he was in love with. But how do you exspress something that you've never experienced?

"I-I'm sorry." Bert said quietly pucking up one of the stuffies. The same one he had picked up the first time they had met. "Um. . . how are you doing?"

"Amazing." Gerard said sarcastically.


Bert sat the bear back down and sniffled. He wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Bert, I would really appreciate if you left." Gerard said quietly trying to take advantage of Berts random kindnesses.

"Well too bad I don't care." He chuckled to himself.

Gerard stayed silent deciding not to say anything since Bert hadn't been violent yet. Gerard also didn't want to upset him. He often wondered if Bert was always upset because it seemed like it.

"Bert," Gerard said.


"You okay?" He asked simply.

Bert opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. No one had asked him if he was okay in so long he wasn't sure how to react. Was he? No, probably not. But it's hard to decipher your emotions when youve never thought about them, let alone spoke.

"I- I dunno. . . it doesn't matter." He replied blushing a bit.

"It does to me. I know you're hurting. I forgive you." Gerard said with a content half smile.

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