Thirty two~

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you're the one that I needed in my life,
you're the one that I needed in my life.

Gerard went home the next morning but not before Frank's dad made him breakfast. While they ate Frank stared at his father with disbelief and a bit of suspicion, but Gerard didn't notice the glares he was too distracted by the attention he was being given.

Frank went straight up to his room after kissing Gerard goodbye without so much as looking in his fathers direction. Not only had he gone behind his back and told his boyfriend about the most traumatic event he had ever gone though, but now he wanted to flip personalities and be his boyfriends beat friend.

"Frank." His father sighed watching him stomp away.

Frank didn't listen, or even hear him partly due to the blood rushing through his head. Just the sound of his voice had his ears steaming.

"Frank, please we need to talk." He called.

"About what?" Frank growled back.

"Come down here now so we can talk."

With an exaggerated sighed and loud stomps he went down to his father. The only reason he listened was because he wanted the chance to argue with his father about what he had done.


"Look," His dad sighed dragging a hand down his face. "I didn't want to do this when you're mad but this needs to needs said no matter how you're feeling."

Frank sat down across from his father with furrowed eyebrows. His heart rate picked up as he looked to se his dad's tired expression, which was completely different from when Gerard was at breakfast.

"First I want to say that I'm so proud of you for finding someone who makes you happy. It's almost impossible for most adults to do but you've done it at only eighteen." He said. He looked truly proud of his son for once happy, even under all that stress. "You're in love, kid, that's impressive."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Look, i'm going to be straight forward with this." He said. "We're moving."

Franks mouth hung open like he had stopped working. He couldn't do that. He was finally happy and he just has to rip that away.

"Why!" He said standing up.

"Frank, sit down and lets talk this out." Frank dad said waving his hand as a way of telling Frank to calm down.

"No, tell me why we have to leave!"" He yelled again.

All he could think of was Gerard hand his Friends, all the things he planed on doing. He couldn't take him away from Gerard. It would kill them both, like he has just said they were in love.

"I got a job offering from a place in Florida, I send in my application and I can start work next week." He said. Before Frank could say something else he continued. "Starting pay is almost three times as much as my job here in Jersey and we'll be able to afford a nice three story house and a new car for you." He said trying to sweeten the situation. "We can finally afford that dog you wanted."

"Dad, I asked for a dog when I was twelve. Now I just want my boyfriend. We aren't moving."

"I get that you're man but i'm still in charge here. We are moving and we start tomorrow." His father said firmly.

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