twenty five~

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My boy's an ugly crier but he's such a pretty liar and by that I mean he said he'd "change"

It was finally friday and Gerard was exhausted. Not from all the work he did or anything that the average high school student would be tired about. He was exhausted emotionally because he wasn't sure how much more of Bert's glares he could take. It didn't seem that important at a glance but when you were in Gerard's shoes it was pure hell. He wanted to tell Dallon or Frank but why would he drag people who he had already worried sick into this? Eveytime he looked up Bert was staring back. It wasn't the usual pervy stare from him that he was used to. Now Bert seemed much more depressed than usual. Was this his fault? He must have caused Bert to start acting this way. The guilt was way too much to handle, he felt like he was struggling to breathe everytime he thought about it. He was definitely tempted to text him just to ask if he was okay. Gerard's biggest weakness was his heart. It cared too much about things he couldn't change and it was much to fragile for the things it was constantly put through.

When he got home his father and Mikey were both there so he felt kind of safe, but after what happened that one day before school that wall of security when Mikey was around was beginning to deteriorate.

Gerard walked though the large door that was unlocked just for him and put his book bag on the hook.

"Hey, Gee." Mikey said happily when he heard the door. Mikey was sitting at the bar surrounded by worksheets and pencil shavings.

"Hey, Mikes." He smiled back, but Mikey could tell something was wrong.

"You okay?" He asked sitting down his pencil. He already half knew that Gerard was going to try and say that he was fine like he always did. But Mikey knew that that boy was anything but "fine"

"Don't worry about me Mikey, If I want to talk to you about something then just trust that I will okay?"Gerard sighed.

"Yeah." Mikey nodded. He noticed that Gerard was definitely not feeling little and so he he didn't really want to get in an argument with his big brother because he would surely loose.

"Thanks." Gerard muttered grabbing juice box and running towards upstairs.

He was not paying attention to anything other than the fact that he needed to get alone and have a good cry. Since he wasn't very aware of his surroundings it definitely caught him off guard when his father grabbed him by the wrist, yanking him right infront of him. This wasn't unusual in the way house, Mr. Way manhandling his eldest son, but Gerard was on edge after the school situation and his first reaction to the violent touch was to start kicking and squirming making him accidentally punch his father in the nose.

"Oh God I-" Gerard started but was cut off by his own breath malfunctioning

It wasn't too bad. Gerard was small and thin so the hit barely hurt, he wasn't even bleeding. The worse that could happen was eventual bruising, light bruising at that. Though of course that didn't stop the anger raising in Mr. Way's chest.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't done that, princess." He grunted.

Gerard shook in fear as his wrists were grabbed and he was pulled up into his room. When they were there his father said no words he only turned to lock the door and that's when gerard screamed, knowing what was to come.

"Mikey!" He screamed as loud as he could.  "No please, Mikey help me!"

Downstairs the fact that someone was yelling his name had only just registered. The second scream from his brother was much louder than the fist and came with no warning causing Mikey to scratch a large dark line on his paper.

"Gee" He whisped to himself realizing somthing was very wrong. "Gerard, I'm coming!"

He was immediately running as quick as he could up the stairs and to the room the noise was coming from. He jiggled the knob all while yelling fir his dad to stop doing whatever he was doing and for Gerard to breathe. Mikey had no idea what was happening behind the locked door but the sounds of Gerards blood curdling screams of pure fear and pain were enough to bring him to tears himself. Hearing his brother calling his name like he was his only hope was more traumatizing than witnessing Gerard being violated by his own father because this time be was obvious to what was actually happening. Mikey's cries and Gerard's screams carried on through the house of minutes after minutes withought pause. Mikey let out one last sob, the tiredness showing through his voice before whipping his face off and sniffing. His legs had grown weak from kneeling at the door for so long that it hurt to stand. He knew that he had to do something, this couldn't go on.

"D-Dad!" Mikey yelled weakly, the sound was easily drowned out by the screams. "Father, your coworker is at the door for you right now!"

After the words left his lips there was a pause of the screams. Mikey sighed in relief knowing that his plan had worked. The room wasn't totally silent, there was still weak sobs comming from Gerard. It sounded as if they were just leftovers from all the crying he had already been doing. The door opened strangely softly withought any hostility and their father walked out with a sweaty face and messy hair brushing down his suit jacket.

"Excuse me, Michael." He said looking straight through obviously worn out son with tear streaks and a red face.

Mikey silently stepped out of the way letting his father pass.

When he was halfway down ths stairs Mikey ran to Gerards bed room slamming the door and locking it. He stood against the door breathing hard but not as hard ad Gerard who was practically hyperventilating as his quiet cries still continued.

"Mikey" Gerard said, not putting in the effort to form a sentence.

"I'm here, Gee." He said rushing over to his brother.

"H-Hurts." Gerard whimpered almost silently.

"I'm sorry." Mikey said choking back another sob. "I'm so sorry, Gee"

Mikry looked down at his brother seeing that his pants had been taken completely off and his panties were around his knees. Mikey cringed at the sight of his brother's bottom covered in welts, some barely bleeding. He gently pulled Gerards underwear back up and held him in his lap stroking his hair.

"I love you." Mikey reminded him, kissing him on the forehead.

Gerard swallowed. "He almost did it." he said quietly like all his other vague statements.

"Did what?"

"He was gonna fuck me. You saved me." He stated.

Mikey shivered now knowing how much lying to his father actually did.

"He wants to take my virginity." Gerard went on when Mikey couldn't answer. "He can't though."

Mikey squeezed his brother tightly in his arms. "He won't." He assured him.

Gerard chucked causing Mikey to look down at him confused. Gerard still had tears, old and new, present on his face but also a look of amusement.

"No Mikey, he can't.  Frank already did. He can't have it he's chasing after something that no longer exists isn't that funny, Mikey?" Gerard said smilling.

Mikey didn't find it funny though, he just stayed quiet and buried his face in his brothers neck thinking of what would happen when his father realized no one was at the door.

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