Chapter Eleven~

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I'd photocopy all the things that we could be
If you took the time to notice me
But you can't now, I don't blame you
And it's not your fault that no one ever does

Happy March 22nd bbs
Gerard sat on his bed with his legs crossed. Frank sat next to him afraid to get to close, afraid to speak and break the thick wall of silence between the two.

Gerard noticed how cautious Frank was being and it was annoying as hell. Gerard was tired of people treating him like he was made of glass.

"Frank you can talk, you know." Gerard reminded him.

"Hmm?" Frank said a bit shocked by Gerard's voice. "Oh I'm- yeah I didn't know if you wanted me to..." he trailed off.

Gerard rolled his eyes. He got on his knees on the need turning to face Frank. Frank didn't move, only turning his head and smiling at the boy way too close to his face.

One million thoughts ran through Gerard's head as he desperately tried to grasp at least one.

The ice cream came to mind.

One of his favorite foods. Cold, soft, sweet, and full of those dreadful calories.

"Frank, I want to to be like brutally honest with me." Gerard said still holding eye contact.

Frank nodded, still slightly afraid of what was about to come.

"Ok, do you think I'm fat?"

Frank eyes widened in disbelief, staring at the boy beside him who was near the weight of the average child.

"Gee, babydoll, I don't know who told you, or made you believe that you were anything less than absolutely perfect, but who ever it was they were wrong."
Frank said turning his body to face Gerard.

Of course he still wasn't convinced.

"Frank I didn't eat the ice cream Dallon bought me, because I was afraid I'd get too fat." He explained.

Frank cringed at Dallon's name. He also cringed at the use of the word 'fat' that was the exact opposite if a word to describe Gee.

"What did Dallon say when you told him?" Frank asked still not at all believing what Dallon had told him a few hours ago.

"I couldn't tell him, Frank!" Gerard said rather loudly. How could Frank not get it? How couldn't he get that he was the only person Gerard trusted. Gerard swallowed, composing himself after his outburst. "I couldn't tell him. I needed to talk to you, Frank."

Frank bit his lip flattered that Gerard didn't trust Dallon nearly as much as he trusted him. It was selfish, obviously, but Frank was only human.

"Well, Gee, you can tell me anything alright?" Frank said rubbing over Gerard's small knuckles with his thumb.

Gerard nodded looking down at their fingers.

"Thank you Frankie." He said kissing his cheek.

Frank blushed.

"Hey, Gee how about you put on a movie?" Frank suggested.

"Ooh! Yeah what kind!" Gerard said hopping up.

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