Chapter three~

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Can you break my bones?
Will you tear my skin?
Can you taste my lust?
Can you feel my sin?

Gerard was toying with his Fujifilm instax mini 9. It was mint green and he only used it to look aesthetic on his tumbler.  (I have this exact one its great lmao) 

Frank was in Gerards closet looking through his stuff trying to find something artsy enough to photograph.  It wasn't a hard task considering everything Gerard owned was artsy and cute. 

"Hey, Frankie. I think you're cute" Gerard said without shame. 

Frank blushed, "And where is this coming from?"

"My brain, silly." Gerard giggled. 

"You told me I was beautiful earlier and I was bitter. I can't see it, me being beautiful, but thank you anyways."

"I don't see how you can't see it, but thank you."

Frank continued going through Gerard's stuff until he came upon a drawer neatly packed with different pastel colored skirts. Franks expression went blank and his cheeks red as he imagined Gerard in the short pink skirt he had in his hand. 

"Gerard-" Frank said turning around to aleart Gerard of his discovery but he was already standing behind him. 

"Oh." Gerard said looking at the small skirt frank still had in his hands.

"I think you should wear this." Frank suggested pushing the skirt Gerard's way. 


"Its ok I think its hot... I mean cute that you wear skirts." Frank said looking down to his shoes.

"Alright." Gerard agreed. "But that one goes with a fuzzy sweater I like." Gerard said getting the piece of clothing. 

"Adorable." Frank smiled. 

"The picture can be like one of those waist down ones. We need a blank white wall." Frank told Geard as he grabbed the fuzzy sweater. 

"Alright well outside my house is a clothing string thing. " he said pointing out his window. 

Frank giggled, "you mean the clothes line, babe?"

"Yeah, yeah that thingy." Gerard rolled his eyes. "We can hang a big white cloth on it and  take the picture outside. 

"That's so smart!" Frank praised Gerard

"I know right I'm a fucking Genius."

❥ ❥ ❥

"You wanna stay for dinner,  Frankie?" Gerard asked scrolling through tumbler on his bed kicking his legs back and forth.


"Well my dad left for work like two hours ago and Mikey's spending the night at this kid named Pete's house-" Gerard started. 

"Pete Wentz?" Frank questioned.  He knew Pete they were freinds,  but he went to Belleville high with Frank and Mikey was home schooled... and thirteen! 

"Yeah you know him?" Gerard asked,  looking up from his laptop for the first time in sixteen minutes. Frank was counting. 

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