Chapter Five // Owen Lux Wesley

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[WORD COUNT: 2337]

[TOTAL: 17735]

• † •

“Welcome back,” I grinned to Bane as he entered my apartment. He held two luggages containing god knows what and radiated a aroma of numerous scents you only obtained when you traveled often. He dropped his luggage near the front door and collapsed on the living room couch, running a distressed hand through his hair.

“Hello Lux,” His voice was deeper than usual, slightly husky as well. “You were saying, on the phone that we had lots to discuss? What happened while I was gone?”

“Well,” I began, excitement pouring out of my eager tone as I sat next to him. “Besides a death every now and then, I decided to play a new game with five or so people. I started this Saturday. It mainly involves torture of people that bother me throughout the week, and their grand prize? Death.” I snickered. “And get this–one of the people that were in the massacre was this guy names Mason Dupont, who is the brother of a homicide detective named Lynn who was interrogating me yesterday.”

Bane frowned. “Interrogation? Does she suspect you?”

I shook my head. “Not even a little bit. If anything, she’s a bit attracted to me.” I grinned, remembering her adorable flustered face when I told her that I knew Mason was her brother.

“It sounds fun and all, but also reckless,” He pointed out. “You need to be careful with this. Something tells me that this is going to be the last time you’ll get away with the ‘perfect murders’ you’ve been doing these past few years. And I don’t doubt that this Lynn girl won’t go all the way to hell and back to make sure that you stay in jail.”

I pursed my lips and shoved him, feeling a bit of anger rise, as well as frustration. “You’re reading too much into this.”

Bane gave me a deathly look. “I know about killing and police officers more than you do, Lux. So don’t even think about hinting towards that you know more than me–the fact is that you don’t. I’ve been a trained killer ever since I was born and know these type of situations and what happens to rookies when they make a wrong step. What, you’ve been in this business since you were what, seventeen–eighteen?”

Before he could continue, I interrupted him. “Don’t you dare speak to me that way,” I said through gritted teeth and with a glare of my own. “You know that my skills are better than any of those ‘born to kill assassin's’ you recruit so don’t test me.” Like I said a million times before, Bane was extremely fortunate that he was one of the people I trusted the most. If he wasn’t, I wouldn’t hesitate to lodge a knife in his throat.

Bane didn’t say anything and focused his attention towards the turned off TV. He reached to grab the remote and turned it on, the nasally voice of the newswoman filling the tense air.

“According to officials which still haven’t released a statement regarding the bag that was sent to Decint County, but we have found out the names of the victims who died two days ago.” She recited the names and this time I didn’t hide the shivers of pleasure of their blood curling screams for mercy. “The autopsy on the victims reveal that they were heavily tortured for hours, until the culprit ended their lives and proceeded to send the heads of the victims to Decint County. Police officers haven’t released any leads whatsoever regarding who is responsible, causing many citizens to wonder what they are doing.” The screen flickered towards a man with his arm over his wife, having an angry expression on his weary face.

“I would suggest that you start looking into Lynn,” Bane suggested, slicing through the tension in the air with ease as I blocked out the man’s opinion on the matter.

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