Chapter Twenty-Two // Siara Lynn Dupont

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[WORD COUNT: 2263]
[TOTAL: 51070] woohoo, 50K! 

• † •

I felt a strange sense of deja vu when I adapted to my senses. My eyes fluttered open after a great lengthy silence and I was surprised to see that someone was standing in front of the bed I was laying on, with a gun cocked straight to my forehead. 

“Get up,” The voice was modified in such a way that I couldn't decipher who was speaking. Though I had a huge inkling that this was the guy, even if his face was covered with a black mask. I didn't know if this was Bane, Bona's son, I was unsure. When I made no move to stand, or to speak since my throat was on fire (as well as the rest of my body) his finger curled over the trigger and I immediately sprung to life. I struggled to sit up, since most of my bones and muscles were stiff with pain. 

I groaned, wincing at the attack it made on my throat as I fell to the ground. “Stand up, now.” My efforts to stand were futile, I only fell to the floor again. I felt fear evade my system as it suddenly hit me. The one that killed Mason and all those other poor, innocent people was in front of me. I wished desperately I had my gun with me but due to hospital protocol they removed all weapons and sent them back to the station. I cursed, the words coming out as a whisper, as the culprit forced me up roughly. 

A jacket was wrapped around my shoulders while the culprits hand wrapped itself around my waist. I immediately tensed when I felt the cool metal of the gun press against the bare side of my back. “Keep quiet and do not say a word or I will shoot you,” He muttered, his warm breath fanning against my ear. My heart thudded loudly against my chest as I wondered frantically what to do.

Instincts told me to jab my elbow in his stomach with my right arm and punch him in the nose with my left, and then flee, but I didn’t know how injured I was to be doing something like that. Every inch of my body hurt, and even if I did try, it would only anger the culprit and from what I’ve gathered over the past few weeks, (even if it was little to nothing) he was pretty unstable. My fingers began shaking as he pushed me to the door as I weekly tried to protest. So many thoughts were wandering through my mind ranging from confusing to outright fear. I had absolutely no idea to do. I had no form of protection on me and I was as weak as a newborn child. I cursed again and I was sure he heard. 

“Cuss words coming out of a woman isn’t so lady-like,” I could almost hear the smirk as the voice whispered in my ear. I ignored his comment and I tried to focus, my vision becoming slightly hazy, as he led me throughout the hospital.  I also tried to look for any doctors or nurses, or even security guards, but there were none. Where were they all? “They aren’t here, my darling.” The man chuckled, as if reading my thoughts, and I felt my blood boil. I was not going to just stand here and do nothing while he attempted to kidnap me. Not after he murdered all those innocent people. Especially my brother. 

I acted wholly on instinct. I jabbed my right arm into his stomach with all my force and I immediately felt an immense pain in my elbow. I think it was already broken and by doing that it made it worse. I ignored the pain as a yelp escaped my system and quickly jabbed him in the face. He groaned as he released his tight hold on me, but before I could get away, I heard a soft pop.

Seconds later, I felt something lodge through my stomach. At first, there was no pain. Then there was throbbing and a wave of pain pinpricked through my stomach. I tried to stay awake, knowing I was just shot, but eventually the pain was just unbearable. My vision became hazy and everything went black.

• † •

I awoke sometime later with a strain in my neck and a terrible sensation of pain in my stomach. I felt terribly nauseous and I wanted to heave and throw up the remaining amounts of food left. I barely managed to open my eyes, and when I did, the room was dimly lit with a single lightbulb. I groaned as I shifted in the chair, subtly noticing that I was tied up, and that the pain in my stomach had increased tenfold. 

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